Important Announcement

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Hey readers!

I know its been a while and most of you probably don't have this book in your library anymore but I have an important announcement.

I'll be editing (basically rewriting) this book. This is the first draft and the writing is amazingly sloppy and seriously cringe worthy. I also skipped a lot of scenes because I was too lazy to write and I know I've said this before but I'm serious about it this time.

I'll be posting the newer and hopefully much better version of MHTP on my profile sometime this week or the next.

If you're into graphics design and wouldn't mind making me a cover for the new and improved version, kindly leave a comment to let me know.

I hope you will check out the new version. I might also write bonus chapters in Gavin's POV.

Thanks loves.

Must Haunt The Playboy [Editing]Where stories live. Discover now