Chapter 14

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'There?' She texted.
'Always.' His reply came.

-Pinterest, Scribbled Stories.


'How is heaven's name are six year olds so...' Tom trailed off, looking for the right word.

'Evil?' Gavin supplied with an all too smug smirk.

'You knew.' Leo glared at him. 'You knew what they were capable of and you still dragged us into this. We're your bros. You don't do that man.'

'I warned you. You didn't believe me. I believe the words you used were, I exaggerate too much and six year olds are into fairytales and not making other people's lives miserable. Welcome to the dark side, bro.' Gavin smirked.

Ally, the first kid to arrive, smeared her saliva coated lollipop all over Leo's shirt.

'Leo!' She demanded his attention.

'Dude!' He glared at the stain on his shirt.

'I'm a girl!' She replied indignantly. She placed both hands on her tiny waist. 'Big people are so weird. It's like you start becoming stupid as you grow up. I'm a girl. Everybody can see that but Leo still calls me a dude. I don't want to grow up if I'm going to turn out stupid like you.' She declared.

'Hey!' Leo protested.

'Its okay Leo. You're not the only stupid one. Gavin does it too. It's okay. Don't feel bad.' She said sagely and patted him on the back. Leo just gaped at her for while before he got his tongue working again.

'I wasn't feeling bad and I am not stupid. And I know you're a girl!'

'My mommy says that if you admit you have a problem then it's easier that way to get help. It's okay for you to be stupid Leo.' Another girl chimed in.

'And it's okay to feel bad too.' Another girl chipped in.

'You see Leo. Everything will be fine.' Ally declared. Leo gawked at all three of them.

'Somebody please shoot me.' He muttered silently under his breath. 'Guys, a little help?'

'Nah. You got this.' Gavin smirked. Leo shot him a glare that clearly said, I WILL KILL YOU!

'How about we get back to the story?' Tom asked. The girls nodded. Leo shot him a grateful look. Gavin shrugged, unperturbed.

'I warned you. You didn't listen. Enjoy.' Gavin bowed slightly and headed back to the front desk.

'That was cruel and mean. You're stealing my thing!' I exclaimed.

He shot me a bored look. 'The fact that you're not ashamed that that's your thing worries me.'

'We all have our ups and downs. I'm not a saint. I never was. If I were, I wouldn't be in this situation right now.' I shrugged.

Gavin bent over the desk and rested on his forearms. He stared straight ahead. 'I want to know.'

'That's strangely cryptic. Even for you.'

'I want to know about you. Up until a few hours ago, I didn't even know your name.'

'And up until a few minutes ago, you didn't care. What changed?'

'Up until a few minutes ago, I wasn't curious. I am now.'

'Okay we need to stop saying up until. And secondly why? Why now?'

'First, you're right about the up until thing. Its starting to get creepy. And secondly, I have no idea. I just feel like I should know more. I'm helping you with all these things but I don't really know who you are. I should.'

Must Haunt The Playboy [Editing]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora