Chapter 23

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I choose you. And I'll choose you over and over and over. Without a pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you.



'Gavin! I was so worried.' Adriana gasped when he walked back into the house.

'I'm fine Ria. I just needed to blow off some steam.' He said.

'Well you just up and left. I thought the ghost might have done something to you.' She stressed.

'You told her?' Gavin asked glaring at his best friends.

'Well after the dramatic diva cat fight what exactly were you expecting us to do?' Tom replied.

'I don't know. Make something up. Something that isn't the truth.' He snarled.

'Well its a lot harder to cover up a full blown Madonna outburst than it looks.' Leo shrugged.

'I did not have a Madonna outburst.' Gavin said petulantly.

'Yeah sure.' Leo muttered condescendingly. Gavin glared at him.

'I don't want to be the spoilsport here but how do you know she's not out to hurt you? Or something?' Adriana piped.

'Oh, she's definitely out to hurt me.' He replied.

'What?! Then you have to stop! Stop it. All of it.' She shrieked.

'Oh. When I said she wanted to hurt me, I didn't mean hurt me permanently. I think she would be satisfied with something temporary and excruciatingly painful.' He said thoughtfully, scratching his jaw.

Adriana's mouth fell open.

'Gavin, you're not exactly helping my case here even though I may settle for something temporary as long as it's extremely painful and it leaves a scar that you'll have for the rest of your life.' I piped.

'Please tell me I'm not the only one that sees all that is wrong with this.' Adriana said. She looked just about ready to yank her hair out of her scalp in frustration.

'I gave up trying to rationalize their relationship weeks ago. Or even understand it.' Tom shrugged.

'He's right.' Leo seconded. 'The less you know, the easier it is to accept.'

'Are you all out of your minds?' Adriana's glare swept over everyone in the room, including where she thought I was standing which was at least ten feet from where I was actually standing so needless to say, the glare wasn't as effective in my case as it was for Gavin and the rest.

'Even though she's hating on me, I have to say, I'm impressed. She's managed to shut all four of you up with one look. Takes skill.' I commented.

'I'd be more concerned if I were you.' Gavin piped.

'You'd be a sad lonely depressed bitter wimp if you were me.' I countered with a sickly sweet smile.

'First, I can't be you because I'm not stupid enough to get cursed especially not by someone who didn't even try to hide that she was evil and secondly even if by some miracle it happens, I would be the smart, awesome version.' He stated. Laughter bubbled out of my throat and before long, I was doubled over, laughing.

He arched a brow.

'Oh! You were serious!' I gaped.

He rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Adriana.

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