Chapter Eight: More Letters

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Yet more letters lay on Minho's desk. All of them had an official stamp of some sort. He tore open a couple and skim read them. If he found them useless he binned it without a second thought. He came to a second letter from his mother:

"My dear son,

I hope you are doing well. I'm mostly writing to ask whether your new personal servant is settling in. Are you happy with him? I apologise if not. Just deal with it for another three years, that's when I've set his first contract to end. How are you as well? You know that your father is fairly ill and that's why he had to abdicate and hand over his post to you. I trust that you know what you're doing.

Lovingly, your mother" Minho, again stared blank-faced and then proceeded to get out a sheet of paper to write back.

"Dear mother,

Yes, I am doing fine, absolutely fine, no need to worry about me.

Jisung? He's settling in alright. I don't know what made you choose him specifically, but he's been doing his job alright so far. Every time I see him, you can sense this aura of optimism. I believe he will be good for this place in the long term. I'm glad you chose him.

Sincerely, your son" He stamped the royal seal onto the letter and called Jisung to go and send it for him. Soon enough, his head poked around the door.

"Did you call, your highness?"

"Yes I did. Could you take this letter to my mother to the guard house to mail again?"

"Of course, sir."

"Good." Jisung took the letter with both hands and left the room. Minho called after him,

"Don't get lost will you? I don't want to have to send someone to go and find you."

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