Chapter Five: Random Colours

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Jisung came face to face with a huge oil painting mounted on a plain white wall. There wasn't any other painting in the room. The painting was rather abract, to Jisung; just a bunch of random colours sprayed in different directions but they could somewhat resemble certain things if you looked at it long enough. One second he saw a colourful peacock, the next he saw fireworks.

"A masterpiece, don't you agree?" Minho asked. Jisung quickly nodded his head and turned to face him.

"Indeed, sir." They moved onto the next painting, then the next, until they had seen them all and were back out in open air and started to head back to the main building. By now it was around quarter past five.

"I assume you know where your quarters are Jisung? If not I will get my butler to show you."

"Yes, I know where my quarters are. I still haven't really unpacked, come to think of it."

"Well then take the evening to do so. I'll see if I have anything for you to do afterwards." Jisung nodded and bowed before leaving down the hallway, whilst Minho headed to his room to take a quick shower before dinner. The sun had just start to set, because it was winter. By the time Minho was out of his shower, night had come and a light snow had started to fall.

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