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Imagine #24

This imagine was a request from priyadarsini29. I hope you like it since this is my very first requested imagine.

Imagine #24

You were at school in your last class. You couldn't wait till it ends it's been a long day and it feels like it's never gonna end, good thing it's Friday and the weekend is coming soon.

Your thoughts were interrupted by someone calling your name.

'Mrs. Priya, are you daydreaming in my class?!' You hear your teacher, Mr.Johnson asking you.

'Yes. About how long it'll take for me to get out of this misery.' you mumble.

'What was that?'. 'Oh nothing, Mr.Johnson' you respond while raising your eyebrows. And you hear chuckling coming from behind you.

You see Mr.Johnson slowly opening his mouth, about to speak, but before he could say anything the bell rings and you immediately take your bag and get out the door.

You don't usually respond this way to your teachers but today was not your day.
With all the exams you had taken all you wanted to do was go home and relax. Finally your done with all of your exams.
And this teacher was getting on your your very last nerve.

You walk through the double doors and your immidetly hit by the worm air of the outside.

Once your outside of school you walk to the parking area we're your car is.

You open the door getting in and putting your bag on the passenger seat and drive off.


'Oh Fuck' you say once you realize you took the turn to the other way home. 'Oh what ever I'll just go this way'.

You had gone this way before once. You have to past through a forest.
you weren't scared, it's just gonna start to get dark by the time you get to the forest and you've heard bad things that had happen there.


Priya's Pov

I was driving halfway done with the forest when suddenly my car stops, and it turns off. I try turning it on but it won't.

'Oh god, please don't'
I open the door of my car and walk out closing it right after.

I walk to the front of my car and
open the hood of the car.
I check the engine.
My dad's a mechanic so I know a little bit of this stuff.

Oh it's not that bad but I can't fix it since I don't have the tools with me.

I take my phone out off my pocket and try calling the mechanic that I usually contact for this kinds of things.

If your wandering why I don't call my dad instead it's because he's really busy with work and I doubt he would come help me. He would probably just tell me to contact the a mechanic or something.

My parents are both are the same and nearly have any time for me and my things.

'And obviously there's no signal...... Ok i guess I'll just walk my way home'

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