Kitty Cat

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There is a little two-year-old girl in the daycare (which I wrote about in the previous chapter), and all I can say is that she freaks me out. Let me start from the beginning when she first came to the day care. Her mom enrolled her into the day care about a month ago, and seems pleased, but she also has no other choice since she works until two AM. Since I do not like to reveal names, we will call the little girl Bella.

When I or really anybody would first see Bella, the first thing that comes to mind would be: "What a cute little girl.". But as people say, looks can deceive. For the first couple of weeks, other kids would pick on her, and my mom and I felt bad. We pulled her out of class and gave her cookies and snacks since she always said that she was hungry, even though her class had already eaten.

"Teacher, I'm hungry," she would always complain to me.

Later on, she turned into this mean little child. She wasn't the sweet little girl anymore. She would hit other kids, kick them, and slap them. Kids would go home with marks on their faces and bodies because of her. Another reason she totally scared me was that her mom would call her 'Kitty Cat'. I thought it was cute at first. She would come up to you and just meow. I thought she just had an over active imagination, but then, I found out the real reason. Each time I or another teacher put her in timeout, she would turn around and hiss just like a cat. She would bare her teeth and put her hands in the shape of cat claws.

Pretty soon, we stopped giving her cookies and snacks. She started to give teachers evil glares, and one day, the director of the day care put Bella in timeout herself. Bella gave a death glare to her, and the director noticed something in her eyes. Her irises were not brown like her pupils. They were red. I didn't believe her, but then I told Bella to look up into the light. And there it was. The red irises. She wasn't lying. It was true.

Bella still comes to the day care today, and she is still bad. I know it sounds terrible, but the teachers thought she was possessed by a demon. It could be a secret only her mother knows.

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