2x07 - Masquerade

Start from the beginning

"I won't. Look, he killed me. Fair's fair. As long as there's no werewolf running around." Carlisle says.

"Oh, I took care of Mason" Demi grins.

"As long as Taylor doesn't kill anyone, she won't turn" Jemma informs them.

"Benny? Are you with us?" Stella asks the warlock.

"But no one gets hurt" Benny hesitates.

"Except Kasper. Tonight Kasper gets a stake through his heart" Demi smirks.


Lockwood Mansion

Demi and Stella are outside. They look around. "Do you see him?" Demi asks looking around.

"Nope. You're sure you can do this?" Stella asks her sister.

"Who are you talking to?"

"Oh, I had the chance to kill him and I hesitated" Stella tells her.

"Well that is the fork in the road between you and me, my friend. I don't hesitate." Demi assures her.

"You spent 145 years loving him, it could happen" Stella doubts her sister.

"I won't hesitate"



Stella is on the dance floor, alone. She sees Kasper walking down the stairs a long distance away. Then Kasper suddenly appears behind her. "Dance with me"


"Fine, then tell me who I should kill. Him? Hmm, she looks delicious" Kasper eats a strawberry. Stella offers her arm. Kasper leads her away and they dance.

"It's a beautiful night" Kasper comments.

"Why the charade?"

"How's Jensen? I certainly didn't expect him to survive that. Lucky boy. Clumsy. How does one stab oneself?" Kasper taunts.



"I don't want anyone to get hurt tonight"

"Okay. Then give me the moonstone and nobody will" Kasper tells her.

"Well, you see, I don't have the moonstone on me. So, you and I will have to go get it together" Stella tells him.

"Hmm. I have a better plan. You go fetch it and I will try not to kill anyone in the meantime"

"My way or you don't get it"


Stella and Demi are in an empty room "I put the body in the trunk for now" Stella tells her sister.

"We'll dump him when we get back"

"This is exactly what I didn't want, Demi" Stella snaps.

"Stella, it's collateral damage"

"Right, which is why we need to call it off"

"What? Who's hesitating now? Hey! Don't do this to me! This man ruined our lives, he destroyed us! Tonight it ends. We can do it together. I got your back. All right?"

"All right"


Kasper is dragging a sobbing Carlisle upstairs. "Why do you keep dragging me into this? I don't want any part of it"

"Shut up!"

They are in front of a door. "Which room is it?"

"it's that one" Carlisle points to a room. Kasper strides into the room and Carlisle stays outside. "Where is he?" Kasper asks not seeing Benny.

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