14|Tenebris Pupa

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Hermione: 5 years 5 months

Chapter 14

For the third time that week, Severus sat beside Hermione's bed. She hadn't shown any signs of improving, but neither was she getting worse. Her cheeks had flushed to a darker shade of pink and her lips, not so unhealthy looking. He had been beside himself with worry every time he had to leave her to attend to his teaching. But at least Potter and Weasley haven't found out, Severus thought to himself. He didn't think he could handle sharing the time he had with her with them.

"What have you done with 'Mione?!" Weasley yelled.

He thought too soon.

Turning his head slightly, he regarded the Gryffindor's as they ran into the infirmary, rushing to Hermione's side.

"You know better than to jump to conclusions, Weasley, Potter," Severus spat.

Potter had the audacity to look sheepish while Weasley just continued glaring. Nothing new.

"What happened?" Potter asked, looking back down at Hermione, noticing her much larger form than before. "And why is she so big?"

"Poppy gave her a double dose of growing potion to quicken her recovery. She is now five years old," Severus said, purposely avoiding the question.

"Five?" Weasley asked.

"Yes, five. Would you like me to write it down for you?" Severus sneered.

Weasley ground he teeth and glared without answering.

"And why is she here?" Potter asked.

Severus sighed. "She was cursed with the Tenebris Pupa curse. Basically, someone cast a dark spell on her to activate her body and mind to be, for lack of better words, open, unguarded. That then let the caster free passage to control her body and thoughts. Like a puppet. It has very severe effects on the host and if used badly, can cause a lot of damage."

Weasley stood there, mouth agape looking like one of those open-mouthed clowns at those stupid muggle festivals. Lilly once forced him to go and he had never been more horrified. Potter looked more thoughtful, his eyes squinting at the ground as he deciphered his words. To Severus, he looked like he was trying to burst a blood vessel.

"Who is this someone?" Potter asked.

Severus held himself back from rubbing his eyes in exhaustion and kept a blank look. "I do not know."

"And how long has she been here for?" Weasley asked after shaking his head out of his shock.

"Three days," Severus answered as carelessly as he could.

"Three – "


Severus frowned in frustration. "You will not raise your voice at me you blubbering imbecile. Five points from Gryffindor – "

"But – "

"And yes, she has been here for three days. The fact that you were not informed is not my responsibility, nor is it my problem. You should leave your shouting to the Headmaster, I will tell him you are visiting to vent off much of your fit. I'm sure he will be much intrigued by what you have to say." Severus said while letting a smirk curl at the edge of his lips.

Weasley's eyes widen. "No, no. That's fine."

"How about you, Potter. Anything you would like to say to the Headmaster?" Severus turned to the boy and arched a brow at him.

"Ah, no. That's fine. I'm – we're good. Thanks," Potter stuttered out.

"Very well, you may leave now."

"We want to stay with Hermione more, see how she's doing." Weasley objected.

"As you can see, Hermione isn't changing anytime soon. You may as well run along and do your homework. I know for a fact that you both have a paper to write for potions due tomorrow," Severus said.

"If nothing's gonna change, then why are you here?" Weasley argued back.

"I have nothing else better to do. Now leave before I extract more points from your house."

"Come on, Ron. We can see her tomorrow," Potter pulled in the sleeve of Weasley's shirt until he gave in and followed behind him.

Severus groaned. "I need a glass of fire whiskey."

"And have your drunken ass to take care of? No thank you." Poppy's voice startled him as she neared Hermione to check her over again.

Severus rolled his eyes. "I'm not a lightweight. Just a glass or two won't send me into an emotional, love-sick teenager who just got heart-broken for the first time."

"But I seem to remember this time, what was it? Two years ago, last year?" Poppy started to tease sending Severus to tense and flush in embarrassment. "You were singing down the corridors at night, skipping around and saying how you absolutely loved the, and I quote, 'beautiful shining army that seems to glow in the vibrant moons light' at the soldiers in the west wing. Then going on and confessing your undying love to poor Giffard Abbott in the portrait near the library. You never can seem to – "

"Shut up woman," Severus growled through his humiliation.

"Oh, but this is too fun. Remember that other time when you sauntered, well, more like stumbled, up to one of the students' mothers at the annual Halloween ball and asked if she has had her child yet? And she had delivered no less than three months ago? You were in her for a week! I think you were only tipsy then though." Poppy laughed.

"I'm leaving. Tell me if any improvements happen to Hermione." Severus stormed out of the room with Poppy's laugh slowly dying away.


"You asked for me?" Draco asked as he neared Severus's desk.

Severus looked up from his book and gave Draco a curt nod and gestured to the chair in front of him before addressing him. "I want you to owl your father and ask him to look into a man named Tobias Snape. He – "

"Snape? As in – "

"Yes, Snape," Severus cut in. "He should be hard to find at first, but once you do, he's very easy to keep track of. Once Lucius has the knowledge I need, tell him to owl the information directly to me. No one else. This must be kept secret and told to no one, is that understood?"

"I – yes," Draco said. His brows furrowed in confusion and he looked up at his Professor strangely.

"Ask away. I won't promise I will answer though." Severus sighed.

"What relation is this Snape?" he asked.

"My father."

"Oh, I thought... never mind. I'll tell you when the owl has been sent to father. Also, why ask father to find out about him?"

"He has more resources and connections to get what I need to know." Severus answered. "I also can't stay away from Hogwarts long enough to search for myself as it will arise many questions and unwanted attention that I'd rather not have." 

"Alright. Is that all, Professor?"

"Yes, you may leave. The owl is to be sent no later than tomorrow lunchtime. And remember, no one is to know anything or I will make sure that you won't be able to attend Christmas holidays with your parents, regardless of being your Godfather," Severus threatened.

Draco gulped. "Crystal clear, Professor."

"Good, now get out."


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