I get in the passenger seat of his Lamborghini and he gets in the drivers, speeding off.

He holds my hand with his free hand, causing me to smile and kiss his cheek. "You know we can't take one home right?" he asks then realizes he just said home. "I mean... your parents wouldn't let you take a pet home, I mean, you have Flyer"

"I know I know, but I can always just look. Nothing wrong with that. I mean usually the pets there find homes immediately so I won't be as heartbroken when I don't come home with a puppy looking for a home" I say.

He laughs. "You want a dog don't you?"

"Desperately" I let it all out.

"I'm sure you do" he kisses my cheek.

Minutes later we pull into the adoption center and I run in.

Damon laughs and walks behind me.

I run to the cute puppies and drop my jaw. "Baby look!!" I point to a German shepherd puppy.

Damon walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me

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Damon walks up behind me and wraps his arms around me. "His name is Flynn" he reads the paper and I nod. "He's cute"

I smile. "Oh I know that" I say playfully and Damon tickles me while laughing. I laugh as hard as I can and try to push him off. "S-s-stop" I say through the laughter.

He laughs and stops. "Right" he kisses my cheek and we walk around looking at more cute puppies. "Look! A pug!!" Damon walks over to the pug someone's holding. I laugh and follow him.

"Wanna hold him?" the pugs owner laughs.

"Would I!" Damon says and the pug is handed to him. "Babeeee he's so cute! I want a pug" he says while watching the black pug.

Too much pug talk, I should probably ask his name. "What the name?" I politely asks.

"Rocky" the owner smiles.

"Rocky" Damon repeats.

I smile. "You like him baby?" I ask.

He nods. "I loveeeee pugs"

I laugh then Rocky sticks his tongue out and so does Damon.

I laugh then Rocky sticks his tongue out and so does Damon

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