Chapter 28

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"So, who's ass do I need to kick?"

Peridot looked up from her picked at sandwich, catching Amethyst's eye. She blinked, the stupor she'd let herself fall into flaking away as she then looked around the table and found all eyes on her. That wasn't super uncomfortable or anything.

She shrugged her shoulders, let her elbow rest beside her tray. "It's nothing. I just didn't get enough sleep last night," she mumbled.

She heard a scoff before her friend was closing the space between them, hip bumping into her own and arm coming up to wrap around her shoulders. She wanted to push it off but bit the inside of her cheek and didn't. She wasn't in the mood for an entire interrogation today.

"Was it Lapis? That why she isn't here today?"

The blonde jerked her eyes up, glaring at her friend through narrowed eyes. "No. Look, I just want to curl up somewhere and die. Peacefully."

Amethyst stuck out her tongue like a child but let her arm fall back to her side, scooting away. "Fine, fine." Then, not a moment later, "So it was your mom, this time?"

Peridot's groan was only covered up by the smacking sound her head against the tabletop made.

"Come on, let up," Ruby finally butted in, throwing a wadded up napkin Amethyst's way. The girl only laughed and flipped her off, so she continued. "How would you feel if we got all up in your business?"

"Like you don't already! You can't sit here all innocent like and tell me with a straight face that Ms Psychic over there doesn't share her other worldly knowledge with you every time she catches dirt on one of us."

Sapphire looked up, and it was almost uncomfortable when a smirk blossomed across her face. "That depends, Amethyst. Should I tell them about who you met on your vacation? Maybe the fact that that person's number is now in your contacts?..."

The smile along Amethyst's face faltered. But then she was scoffing and throwing the same wadded up napkin towards the bleach blonde, which Ruby blocked what seemed too easily. "I call B.S., Sapphire. You know that was for Steven 'cause he was too chicken to ask for her number."

Peridot glanced up, furrowed her brow. "Woah, what? Since when has Steven been too scared to do anything?"

"Since he got old enough to like girls." Amethyst snickered. "You shoulda seen him. He got all flustered. Started stuttering like a loony."

The blonde rolled her eyes, reached over to push the girl lightly. "Mhm. And so we're supposed to forget that you did the exact same thing when you first met Pearl."

Ruby nearly choked on her water as she laughed. "Oh man, I remember that. You were a total sleaze, Ames. Couldn't even look at her without saying something stupid. Well, stupider than normal."

Amethyst scoffed, turned to face Peridot with arms crossed. "Well what about you, Ms Perfect? At least I didn't stab myself with a pen watching Lapis walk across the freaking classroom."

Emerald eyes narrowed. "That was a one time thing. And I wasn't watching her!"

"Oh ho, coulda fooled me."

"Shut up! You punched a jock for looking at Pearl!"

"That was justified, he was totally talking smack to his friends about her! You fell down the stares trying to pick Lapis' textbook up!"

"You literally tripped me, that one is so on you!"

"Guys!" Ruby called, smacking her hand down across the tabletop. Both sets of eyes turned to her, simultaneously asking, "What?!"

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⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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