Chapter 16

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A/N: Hey people. Trigger warning for this one: A bit of self harm... Sorry not sorry.

Never said I was nice heh... And angst is my favorite subject.

Once more, please by kind! I know not everyone is okay with things like this but that doesn't mean you have to be cruel about it. I'll put another warning at the actual part so you can skip if you want (don't worry, it won't really take away from the story and it won't even be mentioned again until another chapter).

So yeah. Enjoy! -L&L


Even for someone as emotionally disconnected as Peridot, it was far too easy to see that something was wrong with the violet haired goofball.

Amethyst hadn't spoken since they'd sat down. And where that wasn't necessarily a bad thing (people had a way of complaining whenever Amethyst showed up, normally being louder than the movie ever even hoped at being), it was worrisome. It just wasn't the same, actually being able to hear the dialogue. 

And that wasn't even the weird part. She wasn't eating!

Amethyst alone could eat two orders of popcorn and an armful of different candies herself. How was anyone's guess, though it was rumored that she had a black hole for a stomach. So the fact she was just sipping on some watered down, overpriced coke spoke more than words ever could.

Peridot couldn't take it. It was bad enough the rest of her life was crashing and burning. Just hours prior she'd literally been screamed out the house when she broke a lamp by accident. And before that... She shuddered at the memory of facing Lazuli. So this, on top of everything?

She was losing her mind.

They made it half an hour in. Half an hour before the blonde was cursing and throwing down her popcorn, without care that the people in front of her twisted round and looked ready to jump her, and very nearly dragged her friend out the darkened room with the screams onscreen following their retreating forms.

She wasn't gentle. Not because she was angry, though that was part of it, but because she couldn't control the shaking in her hands. Couldn't control the tightening of her jaw or the way her nails dug into unsuspecting skin. Couldn't control the almost growl that slipped through grinding teeth. It was an emotion she couldn't name, couldn't even describe. It was just... overwhelming in the worst of ways.

Amethyst didn't even seem phased by the blonde's sudden tantrum. She rolled her eyes and leaned back against the door once they were safely in the confines of the wash room as Peri stomped over to the sink. She could see the way pale knuckles whitened further as fists gripped porcelain. The way shoulders shook with a laugh that sounded forced but felt genuine.

"You okay, P-dog?"

Peridot snapped.

"Am I okay?" she breathed, shaking her head and unable to look over, to meet the gaze that she could feel piercing her. "Am I okay?" she repeated. "I'm not the one who's acting like some depressed poster child."

Amethyst snorted. Her hands slipped into the front pockets of her jeans. "Nah. But you are ragin' like a loon."

The blonde sagged against the sink, letting her eyes close as she tugged the glasses off and let them gently fall. They made a loud 'tink' as they met the metal drain.

"This isn't about me," she stated slowly, releasing her death grip of the poor, inanimate object to run still shaking fingers through her hair. It felt course, caught in between her fingers when she closed them together. "What's wrong, Ames?"

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