Chapter 10

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A/N: Guys. I'm sorry -_- BUT! Back and ready for some Lapidot greatness c:

Also, this chapter is being dedicated to someone! Thank you so much, NerdySpider, for being such a wonderful supporter of this story! Peri and Lapis thank you, too, haha cx

And thank everyone for reading, voting, and commenting! Couldn't do it without you guys! -L&L


She smirked, hands coming up to run through her wet hair. Her breathing was a little fast, but it was nothing compared to the girl before her who was glaring with obsidian eyes. Eyes that could've killed, as the saying went.

"No fair," the girl sneered, misty ocean blue board being tossed down rather harshly. She sneered as she eyed Lapis with fervor. "You had to have cheated!" It was rather amusing, watching her mouth and nose contort like they were doing.

"Maybe you're just not as good as you like to think," Lapis replied pointedly, beginning to turn around to head back over to the towel she'd brought to tan on.

She heard the girl swear, could just envision the thought of clobbering her that was flying through that head. But, luckily for her, she was just called a few choice words before being left alone.

She wasn't much for competition. She didn't see a point in things like that; they just didn't really appeal to her. But it was definitely satisfying to see someone throw a hissy fit after talking smack like that. Those wins were always worth the pain of being back-talked by some prissy brat or rich kid.

The sun was perfect, air warm and inviting without being stuffy. The sand was a tad bit uncomfortable, but once she laid back out on her magenta towel, that wasn't a problem. She sighed in relief as she closed her eyes and rested her cheek on her forearms. Now, it was alone time, and she was just going to enjoy it.


She must have dozed off, because her eyes were jolted open when a voice spoke up near her. She groaned; the skin on her back felt too tight, and her muscles cramped when she tried swiveling her head. Yeah, she could just feel the pain of a sunburn settling in.

That voice didn't sound familiar, just really loud and obnoxious. Like it was pulling at her eardrums and making her wince because it was too high and too all-knowing.

She pushed herself up gently, groaning again when she tried sitting on her butt, only to realize the backs of her thighs were like hot coal where they touched the towel's material. It wasn't necessarily painful, just unpleasant.

She looked over to find the source of the intrusion, a tall, lanky girl with shortly clipped brunette hair and clothes that screamed five years old. She was facing the opposite direction, phone pressed to her ear, talking loudly and gesturing profusely to someone who couldn't see. Lapis had the mean thought that if she was on the other end of that line, she'd definitely hang up.

Lapis sighed, wincing as she stretched, trying to ignore the burning in her flesh as she ran her hands over her face and down her neck, yawning quietly. Probably time to go home. Or, just go home long enough to change and then head out for dinner.

Yeah, that sounded better. Frankly, she didn't feel like dealing with the depression that permeated every microscopic particle in that house.

It took a couple minutes to successfully stand and gather her things, slipping on the jacket she'd brought and balling the towel up beneath her arm. She turned to walk further down the beach instead of towards the town, hoping to avoid the still present woman.

Come With Me (Lapidot)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora