Chapter 4

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Her teeth ground together as she slammed the locker door, ignoring when it bounced back open, the sound echoing through the almost empty room. The few people still changing looked her way, surprised by the noise, surprised by her attitude.

She could care less.

She grabbed the tennis shoe she still had to put on and stomped out, into the gym, into the hell that was physical activity. Already a few of her classmates were helping their coach set up a net for volleyball. She would've cried from annoyance if she was alone.

Peridot sighed as she flopped against a wall, sliding till she was resting on the floor with her knees to her chest. She clutched the shoe tightly in both hands and rested her forehead against her knees, trying to take a deep breath. She knew this wasn't going to go well if she didn't calm down, and the coach already had an eye on her for her, for a lack of better words, hatred toward sports.

Not her fault she wasn't built for that stuff.

"Rabar! Get your butt out here, we're starting a game!" God how she hated that voice with every fiber of her being.

Peridot ground her teeth but pushed herself up using the wall, rolling her shoulders and slipping the shoe on before jogging lightly across the court. She just loved how Ms Mina seemed to single her out every single time where there were still people lounging around, hiding within the locker room or next to the bleachers to use their phones. If she even thought about such an action she was in for detention.

And that was definitely something her mother would freak over. So of course she had to suck it up and deal with the horror that came with this class. It didn't help that she didn't have friends here, either. There was this one guy she occasionally spoke to, Lars, but he had a habit of being a... well not so nice. So that wasn't a normal interaction.

"Serve," Ms Mina grunted, tossing Peridot the ball, hard. It hit her forearms and bounced off, rolling away into a group of girls just off to the side.

She groaned when she heard the coach huff, nearly just turned and walked away when one of the girls gave a disgusted noise before kicking her the ball again. She'd never hit anyone in her life, but people like that made it a hard decision.

Picking up the ball, she strolled over slowly to the line, making sure to take her time to anger the coach. Maybe that's why she was always singled out...

It took a moment to get everyone in place. It took a moment longer for the rules to be broadcasted (for the millionth time) and the game to start. Peridot didn't even really try when she served, mainly because she never made it over the net.

She was too short and hit too softly for such a thing to ever occur, even when she was angry.

Speaking of which, her mind began to drift back to the cause of her mood. Sure, she'd been expecting to hate that new chick, but Lapis just made it so easy to loathe her instead. It was immediate disliking, on a whole new level for Peridot.


She walked slowly, following Amethyst with a tight frown and rolling her eyes the entire time. It only took a moment to cross over to the window seats, and just as Amethyst had said, there was that new girl. All alone, texting or whatever on her phone.

As they approached, Peridot allowed her eyes to roam briefly. The girl was sitting cross legged, slouched, baggy jeans and a loose hoodie upscurring most of her features. But her skin was a nice color, naturally tanned by the sun, and her facial features were rather soft. She was actually pretty, adorable even as she screwed up her mouth tightly in thought.

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