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I laid back on the bed, staring at the ceiling. Time seems to be going by so slow. I keep hoping this is all a dream and I'll wake up and they'll be here.

"We ordering pizza. You want something?" Keeis stood at my bedroom door.

"Nah. Ya'll can order whatever you want at your house though."

"Damn. It's like that?"

I sat up and looked at him. "Yea. I'm going through some shit and ya'll want to come over here and make jokes and shit."

"We was just playing. We know she ya girl and that's your son. Was just tryna lighten the mood."

"Yea, well, I don't need that right now."

"Aight. My bad." He walked away.

I laid back down and closed my eyes. Attempting to take a nap. I haven't been able to sleep for longer than 30 minutes.

"Yo, Chris th-"

"What?! What is it?!" I snapped, cutting Red off

"It's a guy here looking for you. Didn't mean to bother you."

I sighed and got up. Rey was standing by the front door on his phone.

"I'm not tryna be rude but ya'll gotta go. This is important." I directed my statement to Red and Keeis.

"Aight bro." They both left and I locked the door behind them.

"So, I know you are like top notch when it comes to shit like this so I could really use your help." I spoke as we walked into the living room.

"No problem man. Me and Jas have been knowing each other for a long time. I got her back through whatever." He patted his pockets looking for something. "You mind if I light up?" He asked

"Nah. Go ahead."

"So you got anybody in mind?

"Only person I could think of was her lawyer. Stephen."


I nodded. "You know him?"

"Yeah." He blew smoke from his mouth. "He was my lawyer at one point. Dude tried to get a extra thirty thousand out of me. Claim he went above and beyond to keep me out of jail." He scoffed. "That's what the fuck he was supposed to do."

"Do you know where he's at? At this point, I'm ready to handle this shit myself. They been gone for days already and the police is slow as hell. It's no telling what's going on right now and the fact that he got my son too. I'm liable to kill him myself."

"Yeah. I feel you." He nodded "Got all of his information right here." He turned his phone around so I could see it.

"I just don't understand. First it was Nicole and now its this clown. They've been through enough."

"Did she tell you about what went down with Nicole?"

"Nah." I shook my head

"Jas fucked her up. I mean the blood was pouring." He laughed "She crazy." He nodded. "The way she killed that girl, I wouldn't dare fuck with her."

"Yeah. I figured that out a long time ago."

We were interrupted by loud banging on the door.

"Excuse me." I stood up

I opened the door and Morgan stood there.

"I seen the news. You found Jas yet? Where Kam?"

"Nah. I'm working on that now." I stepped aside, allowing her to walk in.

"Ok so I got a plan."

"Wait. How? You know who took them?" I eyed her

"It was Steph. Duh. It's obvious."

"How?" I followed behind her

"He's been had a crush on her since she was in jail. He always looked like he was raping her with his eyes any time he saw her."

"Damn." I sat down on the couch

"Wassup?" Morgan greeted Rey and sat in the chair across from me.

"Wassup?" Morgan greeted Rey and sat in the chair across from me

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"So this is what we gon do." Morgan sat her bag on the table. "I say we roll up to Stephen's house, take him out and boom, we done." She motioned with her hands as she talked. "Everybody good." She clapped her hands.

I looked over at Rey and we both started laughing.

"Slow ya roll Cleo." Rey joked "We gotta have a better thought out plan than that. I got your drift though. I have his address. We can ride by and scope the place out. See where some good entry points are and go from there. I got everything else taken care of." He stood up and placed four guns on the table. "Pick one."

Morgan's eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store. She quickly grabbed one of the guns and examined it.

"We won't have to use this, right?" I asked

"Never know." Rey shrugged. "Just extra protection."

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