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10:47 AM

The sound of my phone vibrating woke me out of my sleep. I reached over and squinted as the bright light nearly blinded me.

Unknown (10:47AM): Meet me at the address by 1, alone. Don't be late.

I quickly jumped out of bed and shook Chris to wake him up.

"Come on. We have to get ready." I walked into the bathroom.

"Babe, you need to rethink this whole plan." Chris spoke as he squeezed the toothpaste onto his toothbrush.


"Well for one, what are you going to do with Kam if shit pop off in there? You're by yourself and I'll be damned if he gets caught in the middle of some shit."

"You're right." I sighed and tapped my fingers on the sink.

I walked over to our safe and got the duffel bag out. I unzipped it and took some of the money out.

"She won't know its not the full amount until I'm out of there. She'll probably get mad but atleast Kam will be safe." I ran my hands through my hair. "Ok. Forget the original plan. We'll go with this and figure out the rest later. I just have to go by myself today and bring Kam back."

"I just dont want you to go by yourself." Chris walked over to me.

"I know. But i have to. You just go to the rental and wait for us."

I took a quick shower and slipped on some clothes then pulled my hair up into a bun.

I grabbed the bag and walked downstairs. Chris was sitting in the living room.

"I'm about to go." I stood at the front door

Chris walked over and hugged me. "Please be safe." He kissed my lips then my forehead "I love you."

I smiled. "I love you too."

I walked out of the house and got into the car.


Jasmine left about 10 minutes ago and I can't sit still. I paced back and forth across the living room floor. I picked up my keys.

"Just chill." I spoke to myself and tossed the keys on the couch as I sat down. I unlocked my phone to look at the message that I just got.

Wife 💍 (12:56PM): I just pulled up. I'll let you know when I'm omw 💜

I turned everything off in the house and walked outside to my car. I got in and drove to our rental house.


I tossed my phone into the seat and took a deep breath.

I grabbed the bag out of the seat and walked up to the front door of the house.

"Come in." Nicole yelled before I could knock.

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