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My eyes slowly opened. My vision was a little blurry and my head was pounding.  I sat up and looked at my surroundings. The room was dimly lit so I couldn't see everything that good. I had a chain attached to my ankle and around my wrists and I was on a mattress on the floor.

"Kam?" I called out "Kamden?"

"Mommy?" He responded "Where are we?" He began to whine.

"I don't know baby. Don't cry. Mommy will get us out of here. I promise."

The sound of a door opening caused me to look across the room. I could hear footsteps coming closer and closer. The lights flicked on and I squinted due to the brightness.

I looked around and it looked like we were in a basement.

"Stephen?" I look at the person standing at the doorway.

"Hey Jasmine." He smiled. "I brought you lunch." He held up two McDonald's bags.

I watched as he walked over to where I think Kam was. I could hear a bag being placed on the floor. He then came over and stood in front of me.

"Why are you doing this?" I looked up at him.

"You know. I thought long and hard about it and I realized that I did way too much shit for you to just play me like you did."

"Play you? I never even led you on. In no way."

He laughed. "So you just thought I was being nice?"

"Yes. I thought you were doing your job as a lawyer."

"That's funny. All that extra shit I did. How the fuck did you think that was just being nice?!" He yelled and threw the McDonald's bag at me.

"Stephen. I know you're upset right now, but don't you ever throw some fucking food at me ever again. The only reason you got me tied up right now is because you know I'm not scared of you and I would most likely kill you if I got my hands on you."

"Shut up. You think you're so tough." He pulled a gun out. Luckily Kam can't see me from where he is. "I could end you right now." He placed the barrel of the gun on my forehead.

"Do it." I leaned towards him. "I dare you."

"Don't test me Jasmine. I will do it."

"Stop talking and do it then. Since you so bad." I smirked

"Shut up." He spoke through gritted teeth.

"Get this shit out my face." I swatted the gun away.

He stood there for a moment before walking away and slamming the door behind him.

I sighed and leaned against the wall. I just can't catch a break with these crazy people. First Nicole now Stephen.

I looked around trying to see if there was anything near me that I could use. I spotted a bolt cutter across the room.

"Kam? Are you tied up?"

"Yes." He responded "Just my leg but the knot is really tight."

He must've just used rope on Kam and put me in chains.

"Do you think you could try and get the knot a loose so you can help mommy?"

"I can try."

"Ok. Make sure you stop whenever you hear that door open. ok?"



I've been sitting here for hours. Kam was able to get part of the knot untied. He's resting his hands right now.

I could hear the door open once again. Steph walked into the room and leaned against the wall.

"You are an amazing woman Jas. You're ruthless. Willing to kill anybody with no remorse. I admire that about you." He smiled "Let's talk." He walked over and sat in front of me

"You know you're not leaving right?"

I remained silent.

He nodded his head. "This could've all been avoided if you would've just gave me what I wanted when I came to your place that day." He ran his fingers up my leg. "I know you wanted me. I could feel the sexual tension."

"You couldn't feel shit."

He grabbed my face and leaned in close. Close enough that he could kiss me if he wanted to. I tried to snatch away but that only caused him to hold onto my face tighter.

"Don't run from it. You know we are meant to be together. We could be a family. Your son could pass as mine."

I laughed at his last statement. "How the fuck could my son pass as yours?"

"Just look at him."

"I know what my son looks like. He has freckles like me and his father. He gets his skin tone from me. His hair is exactly like mine."

"That's the beauty of it. I have all of those qualities as well. We were made for each other."

"No. Hell no."

He removed his hand from my face and sighed. "I'm trying to be nice here and you're making this harder than it has to be."

"You expect me to be ok with you kidnapping me and my son? I'm just supposed to say ok, and run off with you? No. Shit doesn't happen like that."

"Fine." He stood up "Just remember that I tried to be nice." He walked away.

Saving Kamden | Cell 118 SequelWhere stories live. Discover now