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On Monday morning, Cyrus pulled a striped t-shirt out of his closet to wear for school. 

Once Cece calmed him down after he came out of the bathroom, Bex brought him over to the table with her makeup bag. She took his sleeve and started applying light concealer onto his cuts and some of his bruises. Once she was done, she applied setting powder on top and Cyrus was amazed to see everything gone. She even gave Cyrus the concealer and powder.

This morning, he woke up early and applied the concealer himself onto his bare and exposed arm. He even combed and gelled his hair.

When Buffy walked out of her house to meet him, she put a smile on her face when she saw him smiling back at her. "Well, you clean up nicely," She said, nudging him on the shoulder.

He laughed in response and kept walking. "Did you eat breakfast?" She asked him.

He looked at her, smiled, and nodded before looking right back at the ground. "No you didn't," She said, pulling an apple out of his backpack and handing it to him.

He stared at it in his hands for a second. Buffy watched his eyes closely as he tried to decide. He slowly put it up to his mouth and took a small bite of it. "Thank you," He said before continuing. 

When Andi came out of her apartment, Bex stood in the doorway, waving Cyrus off with a smile and tears in her eyes about the fact that he'd actually follow through with what he was the most uncomfortable with doing. Andi smiled at him and said, "Well look at you!"

He merely shrugged and laughed to himself, continuing to take slow, small bites from his apple.

When they got on school grounds, Jonah quickly spotted them heading for the building. He smiled to himself at the sight of Cyrus, but the group ignored him and just walked past. He quickly ran up and yelled, "Cyrus!" who was still working on his apple. 

He turned to see who was calling him, and Buffy and Andi shot each other a smile, before leaving him alone with Jonah. They weren't too alone, for the girls had just moved to a table and were watching the, having their discussion, gushing over how cute they were together.

"Hey, um," Jonah started, putting his hands in his pockets and losing eye contact. "I wanted to apologize for the other day."

"It's alright," Cyrus quickly responded. "I shouldn't have said that, I should've just left you alone."

"It's fine," Jonah muttered, looking back up at Cyrus.

Cyrus stared at the parts of his apple that were slowly turning yellow. "If you ever want to talk, you know I've also got anxiety."

Jonah laughed a bit and said, "No, it's fine."

The stood in silence, Cyrus staring at his apple, and Jonah staring at his hands. "So, um. I'm having a concert on Saturday, and I wanted to know if you could come?"

Cyrus quickly looked up at Jonah, stunned, and at a loss for words. "Oh, sure," He stuttered.

"And, I've got a bit of a surprise for you."

Jonah smirked while he turned and walked away, back to where he was doing his homework at a nearby table. Cyrus was grinning goofily and turned to the girls, who were already heading back over. "Jonah asked me to come to his concert!" He said excitedly.

Buffy pleasantly smiled. "Oooh, a date!"

Cyrus' expression dropped and he quickly looked over to Andi. "No, no, it's cool," She said. "We officially broke up."

Buffy rolled her eyes. "Oh, really?" She asked.

Andi nodded and Cyrus cheered. Buffy felt a sense of awkwardness as Cyrus bite into his apple all excited. "You know, you guys probably won't ever date, right?" She asked Cyrus.

"Why not?"

"Well," she said. "He likes girls, not boys."

Cyrus shrugged and continued to eat his apple. "I know. But a man can dream."

I Don't Do Sadness // JyrusWhere stories live. Discover now