Chapter 2

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??? POV

"Layla,you can take her to where she belong"I said

"Okay,sir"she bowed

"Are you sure you doing this right?"Namjoon said

"She belong to human world not our world"

"But,what should we do it if they came back?Who going to take care of her?"

"Don't worry,I know what to do"


I woke up and look around."Where am I?"I noticed that I at my tent.I go to see mom and dad.Suddenly,


"Mom!"I hug my mom.

"Wow,what's wrong with you?Are you okay?"

"Nothing,I just missed you"

"Okay,lets go have some breakfast"I nodded.After breakfast,we pack our thing and went home.

The next day-I take my breakfast and went to school.Ienter my classroom.I sit at my place and read my textbook.Suddenly,someone enter the classroom.He made his way to my seat.He's very tall and..quite handsome.He smile at me.

"Hi!My name's Lee Jaemin,you can call me Jae.You must be Y/n right?"

"Yeah,wait a minute!How did you know my name?"he silence for a moment 

"Ah,the principal tell me that I'm going to sit beside you"

"Ah~"Recess time~me and Je went to look around the school.Suddenly,Kai and his gangs walk toward us and block our way.

"Hey,princess~where're you going?"

"Step out of it,Kai!"I push Kai but fastly Kai grab my wrist.

"I don't care,I'll get what I want"he almost touch my cheek but suddenly,someone grab his hand.


He almost touch her cheeks.I grab his hand.

"WHAT THE--?!Who the hell are you?Let me go!"he struggle and I grab his hand more tight."Ahh!!"he groan and fall down on his knee.I notice Y/n look at him worriedly.I release the grip.

"Kai,are you okay?"his friend went to help him.

"I'm okay"he look at his wrist."Who're you?"

"My name's Lee Jaemin"

"So,you're new in here,huh?"he walk closer to me.Suddenly,he puch my stomach and made me fell down on my knees.I hold my stomach."Listen kiddo,I'm in charge here.So,don't mess with me but I give you chance,you can go now"he wrap his hand around Y/n's neck."Lets go babe"he walk away but I quickly grab Y/n's wrist."Aish,this kid.I told you to not mess with me"

"Fight me"


"Fight me then"then,he laugh with his friends.

"You kidding right?"I punch his face.He fell down immediately and his nose bleeding.

"Wow,Kai.Are you okay?"his friends help him up.

"Okay,lets meet at xxxx.If I win,you need to stop hang out with Y/n"

"If I win,I don't want to see you face at this school"they nodded and walk away.

//Hi reader!Sorry for the short chapter.But hope you guys enjoy this chapter//

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