-Final Chapter- * -Happy Birthday, Savannah!-

Start from the beginning

Savannah blushed nervously. "Yeah.. I will be strong. I promise" Her mother smiled down at her. "Trust me sweetie everything will be okay, but I have to go now.. I'm so sorry" Her mother began to fade and savannah found herself frozen in shock. Her mother couldn't leave her again. "I will always be with you Savannah, I love you"

Her mother disappeared suddenly, and Savannah found herself crying once more. She missed her mother to death, and she finally got to see her, but it was only for a little while. Savannah began to wake up form her dream as the bright white light faded, she came back to reality.

"That must have been an intense dream. You've been out for hours." Kent's voice was heard and Savannah opened her eyes softly, getting used to the new light in the room. "How long?" Savannah asked sitting up quickly then regretting it as all the blood rushed to her head, making her dizzy.

"Well it's five at night... so about six hours.. Did you see your mother?" His question caught her off guard. How had he known about that? "What?" She found herself asking curiously. "I heard you say mom quite a few times.. I just figured you saw her"

Savannah nodded her head softly. "Yes I did, see her." Kent nodded in understanding and stood up. "You should shower and get changed into battle suitable clothes.. Our night is soon going to begin.." Kent looked at the time noticing it was already ten after five. Savannah shuddered as the time seemed to fly by. "Sure" she finally responded before grabbing clean clothes and entering the bathroom.

She turned the shower on as hot as she could stand and stepped into it letting it scold her skin. The warmth felt comforting and she let her fears drip down the drain an enjoyed the last few hours she had before everything would go to shame. The sound of the running water felt comforting, and Savannah hoped that Ben was doing okay.


Ben was sweating profusely and he began to fight the other werewolves, it was six on one and he was winning. His mother smiled as her son was much stronger than a few weeks ago. "You've improved so much, you are more than ready to fight those vampires" Karin smiled lovingly at her strong son, who came up beside her and hugged her to him. "You really think we will save her?" His mother nodded, smiling. "I have faith in you, we will save her" Ben nodded and was captured in his thoughts.

"I need to make one last dose of the wolfs bane, just to be sure were immune when we get to the castle. I don't want those blood suckers using anything against us in any way" Ben nodded din agreement and Kayla walked over nodded sternly as well. "I agree" Kayla and Ben both said in unison before there mother stepped away and left the room. no doubt going to her study.

"Ben I have a good feeling about tonight, about saving Savannah." Ben smiled at his sister. "I'm glad because even thought I'm trying to be strong, I still have some doubt in the back of my mind. I hate it" Ben looked ashamed and Kayla felt bad for him. She couldn't imagine what he was going through. This must be such torture for him. how could anyone wait while there loved one could be in danger. She couldn't do it. 

"You're so strong Ben, I wish I could be like you sometimes" Ben smiled sadly. "You are strong too, don't worry." Kayla began to walk into the middle of the gym. "It's my turn to train now. See you in a few hours" She winked at Ben before turning her back to him. Once she started training he left the room as well. He took a quick shower and got dressed then laid on his bed as the time began to dwindle down.

Ben felt more than pressure. Everything was riding on him tonight. He had to save Savannah and bring her back safely. He had to make sure his family did not die, and he had to be sure to kill Payne and Vincent. To make matters worse he had no idea what kind of condition Savannah was currently in for all he knew she could be badly wounded. 

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