-Thirty Four- * -Fourteen Days-

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[ Author’s Note: Okay so normally I don’t write these at the beginning of the chapter but I didn’t want you guys to get confused. Sooo, Normally this chapter would be day 15, going into day 14. And the next one would be day 14 going into 13, you know, cause she always meets Ben at midnight. Well this chapter is going to be day 14-13, in other words the beginning of this chapter will explain what happened after Ben left her last chapter, and after she went back to her room. I hope you guys aren’t confused lol or don’t think I skipped a chapter.. Lol Ask me in the comments if you can’t figure it out and I will try my best to explain… Now on to the story! ]

It was nearly ten at night as Savannah tossed and turned in her sleep. The previous night she had tried to meet up with Ben but Vincent had stopped her, he was outside of her room. She couldn’t leave due to the fact that he may have found out about the werewolves so instead she had to endure a painful conversation for fifteen minutes with lead to nothing really.

-The Events from the previous night-

“What is it Vincent?” Savannah snapped uncomfortably. He glared before grabbing her arms and leading her back into her room.

He pinned her against the wall, her hands above her head. “You are very disrespectful towards me, I’m fucking sick of it” He snapped before pulling her forward and slamming her back against the wall.

She seethed in anger and annoyance. Damn vampires and their strength. “Get off” She growled towards him furiously. “No” He snapped back dangerously, his fangs protruding.

“I think I may be feeling hungry” At this Savannah’s eyes widened. “Don’t you fucking dare” She tried to back away but being that she was pinned against the way, her efforts were futile. “Damn it” She groaned when Vincent took a bit into her old scars.

“Noo!” She screamed loudly before drifting into unconsciousness. Vincent grinned but was surprised when Kayla came into the room. “Savannah?” She asked softly, she watched as Vincent licked the blood from his lips. He grinned at Kayla.

“She will be out for twenty four hours, I drank quite a bit. Make sure she’s okay” Kayla glared at Vincent disturbingly. He left the room quickly and she was left to help Savannah. Which she did, carrying her and placing her on her bed, she tucked her in then cleaned her new open wound.

“Sorry, I wasn’t here faster” She apologized, before letting herself leave the room. She telepathically spoke to her brother.

“”Ben, I’m sorry but something happened there will not be a meeting tonight, but we will see you tomorrow night and explain everything, hang in there””

“”I’ll fucking kill him”” Was the simple reply she got before walking to her own room.

-End of flashback of previous night-

Immortal Blood, Immortal Love.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz