-Fourteen- * -Lie Through My Teeth Again-

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*Authors Note: This story will contain graphic information, and sexual, abusive situations. Honestly, If you don't like it, Don't read it. Simple as that.*

Savannah woke in a cold sweat, the nightmare of the death of her mother had returned. Sitting up straight, she wiped the tears from cheeks. "I hate this" she muttered to herself. It had been a week since Savannah and Vincent had that small confrontation. Savannah was no longer on light duty, due to her hand being much better.

Sighing it was another night where Savannah woke around midnight and decided against going back to sleep. Since the nightmares had began again, she hasn't gotten barely any sleep. It's been rough, as Savannah thought about it, she realized how much she missed Vincent.

It had only been a week, but Savannah got used to his company, got used to having him around all the time. It seemed to her that the nightmares have been frequent and worse since she hasn't had Vincent to help her get through it. 

Starting the shower, as hot as it can go Savannah climbed in. Tears fell rapidly from her eyes, at least in the privacy of her shower, no one could here her cry. Loud sobs began to erupt from her mouth, and she coughed a few times. Glaring at the floor, Savannah began her rant to herself.

"Why me? Mom?! Why must you haunt me in my nightmares, I don't want to see it anymore, I hate you"

"I hate you"

"I hate you"

"I hate you, so much" 

Savannah's sobs erupted from her throat. She couldn't hate her mom, but at the same time she wanted to. Savannah felt as though her mom was doing this to her, as if she wanted her to suffer. A very small part at the back of Savannah's mind, she believed that it wasn't true.

That part, was very small.

Savannah calmed down after thirty minutes in the shower, she stepped out shutting it off, wrapping a towel around herself. Savannah shivered violently, despite the shower being as hot as she could stand, it was freezing after getting out.

Savannah got dressed, simple dark blue skinnys, with a white hoodie, her damp hair was brushed out. Slipping sicks on in hopes of warming herself up, Savannah lay down on her mattress, slipping the ear buds into her ears, her Ipod was on full blast, and she concentrated on the music, trying not to think.

A few hours later it reached about the time for Savannah to start her day. It was hard ot think about going to Vincent's room at the end of the day, Savannah sighed deeply, all week he had made sure he wasn't around when she went into his room to clean, Savannah hoped today would be different.

She started on Kent's room as usual, this time Kent was in the room, he was waiting. "So, you have listened well this past week, staying away from him, good" Savannah rolled her eyes. "Yeah, whatever" Kent laughed out loud. "I hate when you are such a rude despicable human" A light slap to the face made Savannah glare at Kent harshly.

"You're such a heartless dick" Savannah spat the wors out with as much venom that she could manage. "I have one, want a try at it?" Kent smirked darkly down at Savannah before pinning her to his wall. "Stop, now" Savannah cried out. Kent watched her tremble before he began to laugh.

"I love the power I have over you, you're afraid, that makes your blood that much more alluring" Kent sniffed Savannah's neck, skimming his fangs against the healed skin. "Don't." Savannah stated sternly. "Well I won't, but only because you have work to do, and I can't have you passing out on the job" Kent tugged harshly on Savannah's hair before pushing her to the ground.

Savannah held her head where he pulled her hair, it was now sore. Kent left the room directly after that. Savannah took a deep inhale then exhaled, her nerves arise, and her fears all jumbled up. She cleaned Kent's room fairly easily. "Next" Savannah muttered to no one other than herself.

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