-Twenty- * -These Chains Hold Me Down.-

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"I won't stand for this any longer in my building, Savannah, and everyone else take a seat, now!" Payne's loud voice made Savannah flinch as she quickly took her seat in his office along with everyone else.


Savannah chased after Vincent through the halls as he tried to find Kent. She knew all too well that Vincent was serious this time, he was really going to hurt Kent for what he had done. It made sense, Kent did have it coming to him, but still it made her nervous.

Kent was walking from his room once more, his slave following in suit, A bright smile on her face. "Kent.." Vincent sneered, without another word he ran and pined Kent against the wall with enough strength for the wall to crack, luckily Savannah thought, it didn't break through.

"Vincent, I would watch what you are about to do, if I were in your shoes right now" Kent's smirk made Vincent shake with anger, until he just slammed Kent onto the ground. 

"Master Kent, Back off!!" The little slave girl, Gemma preceded to yell at Vincent and tried to push him away, Savannah grabbed the girls hand and pulled her away. "Knock it off, you have no idea what kind of a monster Kent is!" Savannah's face was heated as her anger took over.

Gemma pulled her hand away. "Don't touch me you skank!" or a sixteen year old this girl had quite the vocabulary, Savannah thought, as she glared down hard at the girl. 

Vincent was about to throw another punch when a loud boom was heard. Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked back down the hall. Payne stood a menacing look on hi face, his arm was still in the air as he held a small gun, he must have shot to make the fighting stop.

"In my office, now" Everyone followed after Payne's words. Savannah felt like she was in school again, it was almost like being called into the principles office.

Everyone looked at each other, exchanging looks. Payne had talked to everyone alone first, and now he was talking to everyone together, Savannah figured he was getting the story out of everyone. 

"So I was not a fly on the wall, I did not see exactly what had happened. I have two different stories from four different people, so this is how I will deal with it" Everyone was silent awaiting Payne's decision.

Vincent glared at Kent, and Savannah knew why. "Well I have decided not to punish anyone for the time being" The room was completely silent for only a moment before Vincent and Savannah began freaking out. "Are you insane, he violated what his rules were, Payne this is ridiculous" Vincent was up form his seat, and Payne quickly pushed him back down.

"I understand you're upset, But I don't have proof, it's two against two, However, Kent. I did give you rules, and I may not believe the extent of what was said, but I do believe you talked to Savannah, and that is breaking my laws, and rules"

Kent nodded, awaiting Kent's punishment further. "Kent, this is your last chance, do not think that  am kidding, you have one chance that is all. I will not hesitate to ban you from the premises, I am done trying to babysit adults, you are vampires for god sakes, we are lucky, powerful creatures, use that for good, not cruelty"

Savannah shook her head. "And you, stay away from your old hallway, that way if something happens again, I won't be so suspicious of your whereabouts" Payne's words brought tears to Savannah's eyes she officially knew that he did not believe her.

"Vincent, keep your slave in your corridors, not Kent's. Gemma, I suggest you get used to the rules around here as well, you are younger than a lot of people here, they will put you in your place, grow some respect, as my brother Vincent will not tolerate anything further"

Gemma just slowly nodded her head. "Thank you, Master Payne" Kent bowed before leaving the room with his slave in tow.

Vincent and Savannah were left. "Look Savannah, I do believe you. But his slave did say that you were in their corridors, and it's hard to be able to punish him when you were around his territory" Savannah rolled her eyes before responding to Payne.

"Payne, I have a close friend that has a room directly next to my old one, that is why I was up there, but for future mishaps, I will no longer be going in that corridor, you have my word" Savannah wiped her tears away, still unsatisfied at her decisions.

Vincent wrapped Savannah in a hug, and as he looked at his brother with such anger Payne felt a twinge of guilt. "Vincent, I'm sorry. You know I believe you over anyone but Kent is such a big help in this slave building, I cna't afford to loose someone who helps so much, who is stronger than most vampires that work here, my decision is business related, only"

Vincent nodded his head sternyl before reaching for Savannah's hand. He quickly walked to their room. "I can't believe what just happened, Vincent it's not fair. I have to live in fear every day" Savannah broke down again.

"I know, look I am going to try and make sure to do everything I possibly can to get him out of here. If all else fails, I will destroy him"

Savannah just nodded not sure what else to say.

What kind of place let's something like this happen, with no means of punishment.

Hell, that's what.

[[ Authors Note: It's shorter this time, but I needed to get something out, I hate making you guys wait so long. Sorry if this chapter is boring, I am working on my plot, so I need some fillers, and you guys needed to see how Kent works. I hope you liked it regardless, Ummm... I'm not too sure what else I want to say... Hmmm... Ahhh screw it, Later Gators. ]]

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