-Twenty Eight- * -Have a Right to Lose Control-

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Savannah didn’t know what to think when she watched Vincent. He didn’t move, and she didn’t either. She wasn’t sure how to approach the situation. What should she say? Should she even say anything ay all? Should she accuse him of lying to her and demand the truth out of him? She should let him explain.

She didn’t have time to pick because in the next few seconds -using his vampire speed- Vincent was standing directly in front of her, only inches apart. The sudden close proximity made Savannah overly nervous, she had to concentrate on her irregular breathing.

Vincent just watched her, gazed at her face. Savannah suddenly felt belittled, small, and uncomfortable under his gaze. She was afraid to move. But Vincent’s face was nothing fun to look at. His face looked beyond torn and sad, Savannah thought hers might look the same if she weren’t so nervous and scared.

“I-” Vincent held out his hand, as  if to reach for her. But he let his hand dropped, as did his facial expression. Savannah suddenly dropped her bag and wrapped her arms around Vincent. She didn’t know why she felt the need or overwhelming desire to comfort him, but it was too late to take it back now.

“I don’t know what to say…” She whispered gently into his neck. His arms wrapped tightly around her waist. “Don’t say anything, just let me hold you..” His words were soft, tender. His cold breath sent shiver down her neck. She felt a pang of guilt rush through her veins but it disappeared as quickly as it had appeared.

They stood like this for what felt like an eternity. Savannah didn’t even realize she was crying until Vincent wiped away the tears his palm rested on her cheek bone, and he gazed into her eyes. “We do need to talk.. As much as I really don’t want to”

Savannah jus nodded absentminded, and looked anywhere but his eyes. Grabbing her hand, Vincent led her back to the manor.

Once inside, he led her to their old room. Savannah quickly placed her bag on the floor next to the bed, sighing deeply as she did so. Her knee now finally healed but still tender made her sit on the bed, taking a break from standing on it.

“What happened, the day you left, went missing?” Savannah dreaded Vincent’s question but she knew it would come, she’d rather deal with it upfront than later. The warm tears pricked at her eyes before flooding over. “I was attacked, by wolves.. As you can tell the messed up my knee pretty badly..”

“It doesn’t make sense why they took you in and took care of you..” Vincent stood in front of Savannah, a few feet away. He didn’t want to get close and she preferred it that way. “I know.. I don’t know what their intentions are.. I could barely understand their motives that day..” She lied through her teeth and she knew it. But that was the plan, Karin’s words rang in her ears.

Dismissing her thoughts she awaited Vincent to say something, anything. Savannah knew that Karin gave her permission to tell him that they already told her the truth about her and her mother. “My blood.. It’s immortal.. They told me..” The room suddenly grew terribly cold and bitter, the awkwardness was almost unbearable. Savannah wished she could just fade away in this moment.

Finally willing herself to look up, she watched as Vincent’s face went rigged, he knew she was watching him. “I know you killed my mother, but why? I trusted you in this place, you were the only person I had made a connection with, you lied to me. You sat there and made me tell you how my mother died, you made me relieve the events that tore me apart, How heartless can you really be? You have a heart of ice!” The tears were fluent but Savannah was able to control them, she was more angry than anything.

“Look, I didn’t know that you would ever find out about that!” He snapped back. This fueled the flames. “Oh so you were just going to lie to me the entire time, even if I fell in love with you?!” Vincent rolled his eyes. “no, I wasn’t going to lie forever, I knew it wasn’t right. I didn’t want to lie, I’m tired down Savannah, damnit!”

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