Chapter 13

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From where she was seated near you, Abby practically flew out of the bleachers and into the field, as was her duty as the team's health manager. You had never seen your mother move so quickly in your entire life.

Further down the field, you could see Lincoln holding back Anya, who was frothing at the mouth, trying to make her way towards Roan, who was walking around like nothing had happened. You could see a triumphant glint in Ontari's eyes, standing alongside her brother, and it filled you with burning hatred.

But more concerning was Aden, just in front of you, who was standing shock-still.

You moved in front of him amidst all the noise and movement, crouching down so that they were at eye-level, and the absolute fear in his crystal blue gaze broke your heart.

"Aden?" You whispered softly, trying to get his attention. "You with me, buddy?"

" Sis ," he uttered back, voice shaking with the weight of what had just happened. In all of his years of watching Lexa play, not once had she ever been hurt to the point where she couldn't get up right away. " Kigon yu gonplei." His words sounded like a prayer, barely audible, and you gathered him into your arms softly, heart aching as he latched onto you for comfort, until you could feel the warm wetness of tears pressing into your shirt.

" Em yuj," you reassured, " omo gonplei nou ste odon."

You stood there, just the two of you in your own little bubble, for quite some time, you rubbing comforting circles on Aden's back as his body shook, coaxing him into breathing with you. Looking over your shoulder, you could see Lexa being loaded onto a stretcher, Abby having obviously called an ambulance, and Lincoln and Anya hurrying to the parking lot, forgetting, in their haste, about the boy situated in your arms.

"Come on," you coaxed, lifting the boy gently and marvelling at how light he was, "let's get you to your sister." Bellamy, who'd been waiting for the two of you, took Aden from you wordlessly and followed you to the parking lot, softly lowering the still sniffing boy into the passenger's seat.

"You good from here, princess?"

"I've got him Bell," you reassured, "I'll call you later." He nodded before making his way over to his own car, and you began driving in the direction of the hospital. The silence was almost suffocating, but neither you nor Aden could find it in themselves to talk, too worried about Lexa to even think about anything else.

Though you were trying your best to focus on the road ahead of you, you couldn't help the rising panic in your chest. The way Lexa had crumbled like a puppet whose strings had been cut, it was absolutely terrifying. You'd always regarded Lexa as an unmovable wall, stubborn in her ways and unwavering in her strength. To see someone who'd quickly become an anchor to you just... fall like that, it was absolutely terrifying.

The drive could've taken minutes or hours, you didn't know, and you couldn't find yourself to care either.

As soon as the car was parked in the hospital lot, Aden was flying out of his seat, and you weren't far behind him, and barely stopped him from crashing head-first into the reception desk, stirring alarm in the receptionist's eyes.

"Woods, Alexandria Anastasia," Aden blurted out, breathing still erratic, "where is she?" The concerned looking woman barely opened her mouth before there was a cry of "Aden!" to their left, and you turned to see Anya, who Aden gladly ran towards.

You followed at a more relaxed pace, catching wind of their rushed conversation in trigedasleng that you weren't entirely able to keep up with, but you knew they were talking about Lexa. Anya pulled Aden into a tight hug, making eye contact with you as you approached, and her eyes were filled with gratitude.

Catch me, I'm falling. (Lexa/you)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora