Chapter 45

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Jake (Y/l/n) was sitting on his favorite chair in the (Y/l/n)'s yard, quietly surveying the barbecue unraveling before him.

He loved the spot, you knew, because there was nothing he couldn't see.

He knew when Jasper and Monty stole extra burgers because they had the munchies after getting too high.

He knew John Murphy loved the fruity drinks Abby had put out, and he'd just as soon crush the cup and destroy the evidence than be caught with one.

He knew that Octavia and Lincoln were sitting in the treehouse flirting with each other.

He knew that Abby would stop by soon and bend over to give him a kiss, and view as she sauntered back into the kitchen.

It was always where you could find him.

So why were you so surprised to see him there now? In the middle of the senior year barbecue? Smiling and nodding out of time to the music he forced upon the younger generation of guests, beer in hand?

"" Your voice faltered as you took several steps toward him, feeling the grass, soft under your shoe.

"Oh, hey (Y/n)." Jake smiled warmly, patting his lap.

You hesitated, and Jake seemed to notice.

"What? Too old to sit on your old man's lap in front of your friends?" Jake chuckled, pointing to the lawn chair beside him, offering you the solo cup of beer. "Humor me. Have a sip."

You took the cup, eyebrows raised, mouth hanging ajar. You'd just felt your father's hand brush against yours. This had to have been real.

"How are you here?" You stumbled, blinking over and over again.

Jake blinked. "Don't get all philosophical on me, (Y/n/n). I've had one too many beers for that."

"I've....missed you so much." You gasped, feeling tears prick in your eyes, the distant beat of The Rolling Stones bouncing in your ears.

Jake smiled. "I know, been a tough week at work. But hey, movie night this saturday, right? After Octavia's game? Your mom's shift will be over, we can see something good."

You gasped as if a blade had been driven into your heart.


"So." Jake smirked back into the crowd. "You two are serious, huh?"

You blinked your tears away in utter confusion and gaped once more, as your (Y/e/c) gaze settled on a heart-achingly familiar brunette, serving food on two plates, carrying them over with haste.

"Lex?" You murmured, confused.

Jake passed away way before Lexa ever came into your life. What the hell was happening? You couldn't organize your thoughts before you found yourself simply...enjoying everything. It was what you'd always wanted, right?

"Hey baby. Don't worry- Extra pickles, like you wanted. For Jake- double cheese." Lexa grinned her sexy smile that made you swoon, handing the plate to Jake as she took a seat beside you, lacing their hands together.

"Can you believe you two bickering kids fell so hard?" Jake chuckled. "Love is a crazy thing."

You felt more tears rush down your face, though they were tears that never actually surfaced. This was all you'd ever wanted. The normalcy of it all was astounding.

And yet, you couldn't help but question it.

"How do you...know her?" You asked, and Lexa blinked in confusion, tilting her head curiously.

Catch me, I'm falling. (Lexa/you)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat