He freaks out whenever he gets near him! Blushing and stuttering. Figditing and bouncing his leg, which was happening right now.

He pulled out his E.L.A crap and opened to the page that was on the screen.

As class continued, he felt as if someone was staring at him. He looked up and around him and spotted Jimin. He was staring straight at him with a worried expression.

"Mr. Park, please turn around and pay attention." Mr. Jung said.
Jimin apologized and went back to paying attention.

After class, Ji Sung began heading to the library. He went there everyday after E.L.A, which was his last class of he day.

"Where is it. Where is it. Chs chs chs." Ji Sung mumbled under his breath, skimming through the books to find the one he wants.

"Ah! There it is!" Ji Sung took out the book 'Iron Trials'. He loved this book. He read it so many times he remembered the whole thing!

As he was reading, someone kept throwing paper balls at his head. He knew it was BamBam, he just didn't want to look at him.

After a while he started getting annoyed. He closed his book, set it back in it's spot, and walked away.

BamBam and his group snickered as he exited the building.

His walk home was short. He wanted to get home before his dad so he can rest for a bit before the beatings happen.
Ji Sung opened the front door and stepped inside, slipping off his shoes and closing the door behind him.

He walked to his room and plopped onto his bed, closing his eyes and sigheing through his nose.

He fell asleep soon after.

"AY! GET YOUR ASS UP SHIT HEAD!!" His father barged into his room throwing a vase at the wall.
Ji Sung sprung awake, sitting up straight and looking at his father with scared eyes.

"Get up and out of my house. Family is coming and I don't want you to ruin everything." His father said.

"Y-yes father." Ji Sung stood and grabbed an extra hoodie.

"And hurry up! Their gonna be here soon!" His father slammed his door closed, shaking the walls.

Ji Sung hurriedly pulled on his oversized hoodie, pulling up the hood and putting his phone in his pocket

Ji Sung could hear the cars outside and he rushed out of his room. He was tripped by Ji Sun and he nearly fell down the stairs. He glared at them with a growl, which he had never done, and their eyes widened.

He ran down the stairs and shoved on  his shoes. Right when he was about to open the door, his uncle did.

He glared at him and Ji Sung bowed before moving out of the way.
His two Uncles, two aunties,and 4 cousins walked in.

His cousin smaked his head and glared at him. Ji Sung hurried out of the door, closing it behind him.

Ji Sung has been walking the cold streets for hours now. He was pretty sure he was down town now.

Ji Sung felt something cold fall on his nose. He looked up to see it had starts snowing.

"Aish." Ji Sung walked faster and sucked into an alleyway. It started getting heavy now. Snow covered the streets and Ji Sung was too weak to move.

He let the snow cover his body, making him look like a lump.

He closed his eyes and everything went black.

"Dude! We should go downthis alleyway! It's quicker to my house!" Hoseok pointed at the dark alleyway.
"Let's go guys! I'm freezing!" Namjoon ran after Hoseok.

Yoongi was way athe back, jogging like the others. It was dark enough to where he couldn't see the groundthat well. So he ended up tripping on some lump on the ground.

"What the fuck?' Yoongi stood with the help of Jungkook. "The hell did I just trip on?" Yoongi crouched down and brushed some snow off the lump and gasped.

"Is that Ji Sung?" Taehyung gasped.
"It is!" Jimin crouched and dusted the snow off of the freezing boy. Jimin scooped him onto his lap and shook him gently. All he got in response was a shiver and gasp.

"Fuck, we got to get him inside!" Namjoon said frantically.

"Let's go!" Jin picked up Ji Sung's small, shivering body and held him close to his chest.

Ji Sung whimpered in his sleep and snuggled into Jins shoulder.
Jin cooed and began walking towards Hoseoks house.

Once they got there, they hurriedly pulled of his clothes and put on some of Hoseoks clothes. The were very big on him.

"Did you guys see those bruises? They are so bad!" Jungkook poked at a dark bruis on his arm causing the young boy to whine quitely.

"Jungkook don't touch!" Jimin slapped his hand away.
"Sorry." Jungkook bowed his head.

"What do we do Jin-hyung?" Yoongi asked.
"All we can do or now is wait into he wakes up.

The others nodded and went on with there day, waiting anxiously for the young boy to wake up.

Abused [BTS x Ji Sung]    (Complete)Where stories live. Discover now