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Ji Sung was thrown onto the kitchen floor, his sister and brother laughing as he smaked his head against the hard tiled floor.

"Yah, make me Kimchi. Bring it to my room when your done." His brother kicked him as he walked by.

"And don't! Burn it!'
Ji Sung groaned and stood up slowly, clutching his head. His sister chuckled and stood from her chair.
"Make me Kimchi too." She shay-shayed away.

Ji Sung grabbed the rice and other ingredients before starting to cook. He stirred it until it was just right.

He quickly split the rice onto 2 plates, grabbing spoons and soda. He walked up the stairs carfully.

He knocked on his siblings door.
He was told to come in so he did.

He put the two plates in front of them, waiting for them to take a bite.
His sister, Ji Su, took a bite. Then his brother.

His brother, Ji Sun, stood and slapped him across the face, causing his to fall.

"Learn how to cook you fucking shit!" Ji Sun kicked him harshly in the chest.
Ji Sung cried in pain. This always happens. He cooks. They eat. They say it's nasty and beat him. But they eat it all.

Ji Sung couldn't take this anymore.
He needed to leave but he would have no where to stay.

After an hour of being beaten, he was finally set free to go cry in his room.

He was clutching a picture frame to his chest.  Ji Sung pulled it away to look at it.

Him and his mother. They looked alike. Big eyes, pouty lips, soft features, cute smile.

She was, no, she is a wonderful woman. But now she is dead.
His father and siblings say it was because of him.

He remembered the reason.


Ji Sung was supposed to spend the night at his cousins house. It was a stormy night, lightning, thunder, rain, slippery roads.

Ji Sungs aunt had called his mother, saying he was scared and he wanted his mommy. Which was true, yes, but he didn't want to leave at the same time. He just wanted to hear her voice.

That night was devastating. His aunt had told him that the deer jumped right in front of her car, on a highway. It's horns breaking through the glass window and into his mother's neck, killing her instantly.

Ji Sung cried for years. 3 years he cried for his mother's lose.

Ever sense then, his 'family' abused him. Yelling, beating, nearly killing.

He became depressed. He wasn't the happy little boy anymore.

He was lonely.


Ji Sung sobbed quietly, cleanching his key closed as he slowly cried himself to sleep.


Ji Sung hurried to class. He was late because of BamBam. He was trapped in he bathroom with him and he beat him up like always.

Ji Sung caught his breath before opening the door.

"Late again Mr. Sung!" His E.L.A teacher, Mr. Jung, lookes angry.
"I-Im sorry sir." Ji Sung bowed.
"If your late again I will call your parents!" Mr. Jung said.

"O-okay sir. I promise it won't happen again." Ji Sung bowed again before walking to his seat.

He had this class with Yoongi and his whole gang.
Ji Sung was blushing like crazy cause his seat was right next to the MIN YOONGI!!!

Abused [BTS x Ji Sung]    (Complete)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя