"Um....hello? Is anyone in there?" You slightly yelled out. The four of you just decide to step in not hearing a response.

Your eyes widened at what was inside.
There was some sorta yellow fury tall beast with red glowing narrow eyes and long ears.
The place looked overly damaged with tables and chairs destroyed and some blood drops covering the wooden floor.

You noticed a young woman in its arms struggling to escape.

The beast turned to look at you three with an evil laugh chuckle sorta thing.

After taking one good look at you, the beast  quickly dashed out the window with naruto following behind. Gaara has also took part of the chase leaving you and Sasuke treating the injured man.

"My w-wife..." he muttered.

"It's okay they're gonna catch him. And I'm not trying to reassure you." With a smirk you said.You tried to step forward and help the young man before a hand went in front of you, stopping you.

"Y/n wait..."

"Sasuke the man is wounded! We have to help him! What do you mean wait?!"
But sasuke didn't seem to listen. His onyx eyes narrowed at the injured man as he examined him.

"He's lying." Sasuke said as he closed his eyes, removing his arm in the process.

This has shocked you. Why would an injured man be lying?

"Are you being for real?! Why would a severely injured man be lying?!" You shouted.

Sasuke only had stayed calm and pointed a finger at the man's cuts.

"Look closely at his wounds Y/n. How can he have so much blood on and not even a single rip on his clothes."

You looked closely at the man's wounds and noticed that sasuke, was in fact, correct.

"Besides, his eyes show that he's lying."

The man looked at you both shocked, then suddenly a smile was formed.

"You pass!" He said, laughing while getting up.

You and the uchiha were both confused, wondering what he meant by that.

Then your mind went to the redhead and naruto.

*Back With Naruto*

"COME BACK HERE!!" Naruto shouted, still chasing after the yellow beast.

Gaara was hiding behind a tree, waiting for the signal.

After the beast had dropped the woman, the blond made two clones to take care  of the woman and ten more to help with the plan.

Naruto wasn't having any trouble following the beast in the forest darkness, which surprised the woman when she noticed.

After finding out there were two of the yellow beasts with the clones' help, naruto made two more clones to help with the chase.

Finally, the plan was coming into place as the beasts had no idea of the clones that were created.

Gaara has already caught one of them with his sand, but he wasn't going to kill it just yet.

The beast kept on trying to explain to him that this was a test, but the redhead paid no mind.

Naruto was left standing on the edge of a tall cliff, as he lost sight of the large beast.

Another Day, Another Portal ((HXH Naruto Crossover x Reader))Where stories live. Discover now