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Kihyun laid in the bed looking at the ceiling. Galena sighed.

"Let's go do something." She sat next to him. "You can just lay in bed the rest of the day."

Kihyun stayed silent. Galena moved to get up but Kihyun grabbed her hand.

"Don't leave me." He mumbled.

Galena sighed. She laid next to him looking at the ceiling.

"Wanna see my tattoo?" Galena sat up lifting her shirt up.

She reached behind undoing her bra and taking it off. Kihyun arched his brow. Galena lifted up her shirt a little more but her sure her breast weren't exposed. Kihyun sat up and pushed Galena down onto the bed.

"I thought I told you I didn't want to see it." He sighed.

"I thought it'd get you out of your ugly ass mood but whatever." Galena rolled her eyes.

She got up from the bed and put her bra back on.

"Come find me when you've lost your sour attitude." She left.

Kihyun sat on the bed making little fire balls with his hand. They'd fade out as he let them go. He looked up sensing something wrong.


Galena wasn't gonna waist any time with finding her parents. She went back to the forest where she saw the men at. She climbed the trees teleporting from tree top to tree top.

"He'll come back." Galena heard someone say. "He loves to roam the forest."

"He? Kihyun?" Galena mumbled to herself.

"Do you hear that?" The man said. "Sounded like a twig breaking. Everyone break up. Search the perimeter."

Galena teleported around. She saw Kihyun and teleported to him. She grabbed his hand as teleported him up into the tree. She motioned for him to be quiet.

"I'm telling you I heard someone." The guy said.

"You could've heard an animal." A man rolled his eyes.

With a flick of her wrist Galena set of the guys gun. It shot the other man in the chest. He fell to the ground screaming.

"You bitch!" He shouted. "Why the fuck you would you shoot me!"

"I-I didn't." The guy panicked looking around.

Other men came running to the scene. Galena set off all their guns.

"Retreat." A man shouted as they all disappeared one by one.

Galena took Kihyun's hand and teleported home. She sat back laughing on the bed.

"What the fuck was that Galena!" Kihyun shouted.

"Fear the unknown." Galena stood.

"Galena." Ariel walked into the room.

"Us girls are going out. Wanna come?" She asked with a smile.

"How can I deny that sweet yet intimidating smile." Galena stood grabbing her coat and bag.

She checked making sure she had extra cash. Kihyun grabbed her wrist stopping her.

Playing With Fire | Yoo Kihyun fanficWhere stories live. Discover now