New Book

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I just released a new book titled "The Divided"

It's a teen fiction involving forbidden love and a surprise of the cruel reality of their world.


I stared at Dean as he stared at the stars glimmering in the night sky above us. "I believe the story of our lives is already written in the stars and our destiny has already been given to us. The end of our lives will always end the same, no matter what we try to do to change it."

"What does that mean?" I asked him, watching his blonde hair fall over his ears.

"It means that if you are the person who is destined to take the two parts of this country and bring them together, then it'll happen one way or another," he told me, before looking in my eyes. His heterochromia eyes were entrancing. "And Mel, by the looks of things right now, I'd say your story has started and you are already working towards your destiny."


One country. Two nations.

After the country split in two, the nations renamed themselves the Ameliorates and the Extricates.

The Ameliorates live in a community full of stability and order.

Melody Sharpe is the daughter of the Ameliorates' leaders.

All her life she was told that the Extricates lived in a place full of chaos and destruction. What happens when she finds herself questioning everything she had once been taught?

What does she do when she meets Dean Martin--the son of the Extricate leaders--who tells her that everything she knows is a lie?

Why did the Extricates really split away from the Ameliorates?

Why do the Extricates fear the Ameliorates more than anything else?

Are the Extricates really the "bad" side?

Melody starts asking questions--something she isn't supposed to do--and it might just lead her into the middle of a war.

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