Chapter 6

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A siren filled the air. "Stand behind me," Kyle ordered urgently. I did as I was told and he slowly walked closer to the border, stopping about twenty feet away. I twisted my charm and tightly gripped my trident in one hand. My hands were trembling. There hadn't been an attack like this since before Terran revealed his true self. Even then, a demigod had never attacked; it was always a monster.

I intertwined Kyle's free hand with mine, needing reassurance on the situation. A familiar Ares demigod jogged up to us with a sword in hand. "What happened?" His long blonde hair was tucked behind his ears. It was the boy Kyle had been talking to earlier that morning.

"We were on our way back when an arrow was shot into the back tire of my car. The car is stopped about half a mile out in the woods. We were shot at three times more once we were out of the car," Kyle quickly explained.

The demigod nodded. "I'm sending a group out to find the car and check things out. Hopefully, we'll find whoever did it." He glanced between the two of us.

"Thank you," I spoke, satisfied.

"Are you two okay?" he questioned. "Do I need to get an Apollo demigod?"

Kyle glanced at me before shaking his head. "We're okay. We aren't injured."

The boy nodded then held out his hand to me. "My name is Elliott—son of Ares."

I shook his hand. "Riley—daughter of Poseidon." He nodded like he already knew who I was.

"Let me know as soon as you find something," Kyle ordered.

Elliott nodded and smiled with closed lips. "Of course." He jogged away and joined a group of armed demigods. He spoke to them and then the group took off jogging into the woods.

"What's going on?" We turned around to Dylan and Carson running up to us, both clasping swords in their hands.

"Riley and I were attacked," Kyle informed them.

Carson scrunched his eyebrows. "By what monster?"

I shook my head. "It was a demigod. Golden arrows were shot at us."

"Were they shot at you or just in your direction?"

"At us. One was aimed at my head. They tried to kill us," I assured them.

Dylan's forehead creased and he looked between Kyle and I. "Are you okay?"

Kyle nodded. "Yeah, we managed to run to Safe Haven."

Many demigods were gathering around in front of the head house, curious as to why the siren was booming through the intercoms. Kyle walked over to them and explained the situation. He told them not to be scared, to remain armed and keep an eye out. It didn't take long to get everyone calmed down and back to their houses.

The four of us decided to go back to Dylan's place and learn about Carson's powers until we heard news about the attacker. As we were walking past all of the demigod houses, Carson spoke up. "Why does every house have a different carving on the door?"

I shrugged. "I guess it's everyone's way of marking their territory," I guessed.

He nodded, satisfied with the answer. "At least they don't mark their territory like dogs," he replied. Kyle laughed. Carson smiled at him, surprised that he was the reason Kyle broke a smile.

We climbed the cement steps up to the hill Dylan's house sat atop of. We played it safe by playing with our powers outside, instead of inside of the house. "Show Carson your powers," I told Dylan and Kyle.

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