Chapter 17

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We nodded and jogged our separate ways. I jogged a good distance before I started calling for Dylan. I called multiple times, but didn't get an answer. "Dylan?" I yelled again while stepping over a thick log. I stopped in place and looked around me. All I saw were bushes, bark and leaves—there wasn't a sign of life anywhere.

A sharp weight slammed into my back and I fell onto my stomach. I groaned and kicked the weight off me. A hiss filled my ears so I tightened the grip on my weapon and hurriedly climbed onto my feet. A slim green creature stood before me and bared its teeth in my direction. A tail soared around from behind it and in my direction. I jumped over the spike-covered tail and stabbed the manticore with my blade. I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding as I watched the monster fade into a black mist.

I quietly looked around me for any more with my weapon ready for more use. I hadn't seen the last monster—the dark green skin had allowed it to blend in with the bushes. I examined my surroundings more closely this time; I couldn't afford another surprise attack.

Once I was convinced there weren't any more monsters around me, I continued on my search for Dylan. I spotted a small opening in the trees to my right and found myself walking toward it. A ray of sunshine shone through the dry leaves and into a spot of grass. A glimmer caught my eye as the sunlight reflected off metal. I curiously made my way closer and noticed an object sticking out of the dirt. I recognized fletching on the object and gently pulled the weapon out of the loose dirt. The arrow hadn't been there too long because the area around it was dusted with loose dirt. I twisted the golden arrow and examined it.

My back straightened and I observed my surroundings. From what I could see, I was alone. "Is anyone there?" I asked loudly.

For a short while, I walked around the surrounding area, watching for any signs of a rogue demigod. After time had passed and I found nothing, I placed the arrow in the inside of my jacket and closed the zipper so it was out of sight.

I quickened my pace as I rushed back to the haven. A small part of me hoped I was the first to arrive between myself, Carson and Kyle. I wanted to get a good look at what I had found before they turned themselves into curiosity-driven investigators about it.

Once I arrived at the southern border and crossed onto safe grounds, I was intercepted by a few Ares demigods—including Elliott. "Did you find him?" They asked.

I shook my head. "No." The teenage boys side with displeasure.

"Did you find anything?" Elliott prodded.

I hesitated for a second, before shaking my head. "No. I didn't find anything," I lied. With that, I walked away from them. Without looking back, I quickly walked into the head house. I silently hoped to find the place empty. Fortunately, I found myself alone in the building. I rushed to the kitchen sink and pulled the arrow out of my jacket. I rinsed it under the warm water and washed away all of the dirt.

I was drying it off with a dish towel when my eyes caught onto something placed on the dining table across the room. I walked toward Dylan's golden sword while a worrying thought crossed my mind. Children of Zeus were the only demigods in Safe Haven to use golden weapons. Children of Poseidon used bronze, Hades' used a special black-silver, while everyone else used silver. An uneasy feeling settled itself in my stomach. I secured the arrow back into my jacket and made sure it was hidden from view.

I walked out of the head house and quickly snuck my way toward Zeus' hill. I made it to the top without anyone catching a sight of me. Luckily for me, the front door was left unlocked where Kyle had broken in earlier that morning while looking for Dylan. I walked in and made my way down the hall, remembering exactly where his weapon closet was. I stopped at the closed door at the end of the hall. I opened the wooden door and looked between all of the golden weapons.

There were dozens of swords and daggers—all different sizes in length. My eyes glanced around until they fell upon a quiver of arrows. I reached out to grab them when my phone began ringing. "Hello?" I asked into the smartphone.

"Hey, Kyle and I are back. Come down to the head house," my brother ordered.

"Okay. I'll be there in a few minutes," I told him. I hung up before he could carry the conversation any further and placed my phone in my back pocket. I grabbed the brown leather quiver filled with golden arrows. I pulled out an arrow and placed it on the ground in front of me before I retrieved the one I found from my jacket. I compared them and discovered that the two were identical. I examined them both closely and didn't find a single difference, other than a few scratches on the one I had pulled from the ground.

My heart sunk in realization, that this was Dylan's arrow. Dylan was the only child of Zeus—the only one who owned golden arrows. I placed all of his arrows back in the quiver and placed it back in the weapon closet. I felt nauseous at the thought of Dylan shooting arrows at myself and Kyle. He could have been flying while he was attacking, which would explain us not finding any footprints in the damp dirt.

I leaned on the door after closing the weapons inside the room. I didn't have any real proof other than the arrows matching. Surely, Dylan wouldn't threaten Safe Haven. Would he? He had betrayed us before—he could do it again. He probably left Safe Haven before people started suspecting him. I just didn't know why he would leave without taking a weapon with him. Suddenly feeling uncomfortable, I rushed out of the house. I slipped the arrow I had found into my jacket and pulled up the zipper. I jogged down the hill, remembering how I was supposed to meet Kyle and my brother back at the head house. I slowed down as I made my way around the circle of houses, giving myself a chance to catch my breath.

I invited myself inside of the head house and found Kyle and Carson sitting on opposite ends on the couch in the gathering room. Their eyes flashed up to me as I walked in. "Where were you?" Kyle questioned me immediately. "Carson said you weren't in your house."

I sat down in a chair across from them. "I was talking to a Hestia-born. She had some questions about everything going on recently," I lied immediately. I kept my findings to myself. They wouldn't take Dylan's betrayal very well. Especially Kyle.

The son of Hades nodded in return, believing my lie. "We didn't find anything. Not even a trace or trail. What about you?"

I shook my head, lying again. "No, I didn't either."

Kyle sighed and leaned back into the couch. His expression was concealed with worry and stress before he covered it with his hands. "I just wish he would come back."

"He will come home when he gets his mind straight," I assured him.

"That's if he doesn't get himself into any trouble first," he reminded me.

We sat in silence for a short while. "It's almost been twelve hours since he left, Kyle. You better tell the rest of the haven what is going on," Carson spoke.

The son of Hades nodded and walked to the intercom on the wall. After releasing a deep breath, he pressed his finger on the button. "I have an important announcement," he spoke. "This morning, Dylan took off running into the woods. His whereabouts are unknown and he left safe grounds defenseless. He was described as looking frantic and eager when he crossed the border. Please keep an eye out for him. If you see him, please contact myself, Riley, Carson or an Ares descendant. Thank you."


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**Until next time:)) ~Emily

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