Chapter 15: Him Or Me?

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Tahj’s POV

Mya, and I finally made it home to our house we have a lot of shit that we need to discuss so it's a good thing that I sent Aaliyah to stay with my mama for the weekend because she doesn't need to be around all of this tension

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Mya, and I finally made it home to our house we have a lot of shit that we need to discuss so it's a good thing that I sent Aaliyah to stay with my mama for the weekend because she doesn't need to be around all of this tension. I got out of my car, and made my way to the front door stepping inside the warm house that Mya, and I now shared; Mya slowly entered the house she looked around before setting her bags down.

“Where's Liyah?” She asked me looking around.

“She's with my mother for the weekend since we have a lot to discuss I don't want her around all this tension that's about to come forward” I said leaning against the island drinking a bottle of water.

“She's with my mother for the weekend since we have a lot to discuss I don't want her around all this tension that's about to come forward” I said leaning against the island drinking a bottle of water

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Mya sighed then she sat down on the chair in front of the island I could tell that she wasn't ready to have this conversation but we are going to have it regardless rather she wants to or not.

“ Don't just sit here in my face like the cat got your tongue?” Says Tahj in a tone that was too calm for her liking, she knows he is beyond upset.

“ What the hell do you got to say for yourself Rookie?” Asked Tahj with an emotionless expression upon his face.

“  I am so so sorry Tahj.” Replied Mya as she sat there playing with her fingers, with downcast eyes, with a dejected look on her face.

Tahj could not bare the expression she wore on her face. Truth be told, he loves Mya so fiercely; to the point he would do anything just to remove that look from her face; but there is a small part of him that still could not grasp, nor fathom how and why she is so sad; especially when she is the one who is clearly in the wrong here.

She practically went missing for days at a time without no word, and had him worried sick about her. He even had to lie to their daughter Aaliyah about her whereabouts; which makes things even worse, because she is like a mini version of her mother and is like a sponge, and whatever her mother does, she will try her best and do the same.

“ Sorry is just not good enough Rookie. How could you do some shit like this?” Asked Tahj.

He tried his best to put his want and need, to remove the dejected look that is upon her face aside, for the moment. The stunt she pulled, truly hurt him to his core, her actions, shows just how selfish she truly is.

“ Tahj baby, It’s not what you think.” says Mya with glossy, red, puffy, swollen eyes; from her crying non stop since they left Jay’s hotel room.

“ The fuck you mean it’s not what I think? Answer me this did you just spend a entire mother fucking week laid up with that bitch niggah; while I was worried sick about your stupid ass thinking the worse, while you out being a hoe, letting that son of a bitch, fuck the dog shit out of you??? Huh???” Shouted Tahj which only made Mya cry harder.

Mya knows she was in the wrong, and and Tahj has every right to be upset with her.

“ Tahj it's not like that, and I wasn't being a hoe. Things just escalated pretty fast between Jay and I. I swear I never meant for any of this to happen. I did not intend to end up laid up in his hotel room. I am so sorry Tahj.” Replied Mya as she tried to wipe the tears from her eyes with her right shirt sleeve, then used the left to wipe the snot that was continuously running from her nose.

“ Where the fuck is your head at, Is that what we doing now Rookie?” Asked Tahj as he handed her a paper towel to clean her face.

“ My head is right here, albeit a little bit mixed up, and a tiny bit confused, but it’s here, and no that's not what we do.” Mya says as she tries to clean up her face.

“ Look, I love you Rookie and you and our daughter mean the world to me. Y’all are my everything. I swear y’all are the only thing that matters to me.  I would do anything and everything in my power to make you both happy.” Replied Tahj but was cut off by Mya saying,

“ Tahj baby, I love you too a--” replied Mya but Tahj cut her off by raising up his hand to say

“ I wasn't finished, you will have your say after you hear me out first; as for you loving me; at this moment, it’s kind of hard for me to believe that; due to you disappearing for a week without a word, to be with your ex; who seemed to have dropped you like a bad habit, and did not even let you explain yourself; I still don't get that.” Mya just shook her head in a up and down motion, letting him know she understand, as she closed her mouth to let him continue what he was saying, as she nervously began to fiddle with her fingers.

“ I love our daughter, and she looks up to you. You are more than just her momma, you’re her role model. She tends to mimic everything you do, and lately, I haven't been liking nor feeling the way you been moving. I don't want Aaliyah to think that it is ok to be out there hoeing around with another dude; while her child, and her child's father is at home worried sick about her.” Says Tahj which made Mya begin to cry once again.

“  What are you saying Tahj?” Whispered Mya in a shaky almost inaudible voice.

“ I’m saying it's obvious that you still harbor some kind of feelings for that fuck niggah, and I don't want to force you into marrying me, or doing anything that you don't want to do. So Imma give you 2 months to decide whether you want to be a family with me and Aaliyah, or you can go back to Nola with that fuck nigga.” Says Tahj as he hopped off the Island walked up on Mya, and wiped away her tears, then placed his lips upon hers, as he hungrily kissed her, which made Mya close her eyes to relish in the kiss.

The kissed was so hott, and filled with so much passion; that it took her breath away; as a puddle began to form in her black laced panties.

“ The choice is all yours Rookie.” Says Tahj, as he began to look down at her; with a grim expression on his face, as a stray tear escaped from his left eye; that he quickly wiped away, as he quietly and swiftly grabbed his keys, then left the house before Mya could even open her eyes.

Written by: QveenR2k19, and hello_gurl34

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