Chapter 5: Daddy Day/ Plan #1 Complete

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Drew's POV

So I'm spending the day with my baby girl Deihja to be honest with you this little girl has changed my entire life I never thought that in a million years that'd I'd be a father but I'm loving it

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So I'm spending the day with my baby girl Deihja to be honest with you this little girl has changed my entire life I never thought that in a million years that'd I'd be a father but I'm loving it. Drea, and I have gotten extremely closer but I don't know about us I mean I love Drea but I honestly don't believe that I'm ready to be a couple again.

"What are you in deep thought about Drew?" Drea asked curiously.

I truly forgot that she was here until she said something just now I picked up Deijha then I sat down on the couch,  and begin to play with my baby girl.

"Nothing just thinking about what you asked me earlier." I said while tickling Deijha, and making her giggle I have truly become a better man now that Deijha is in my life.

" I said while tickling Deijha, and making her giggle I have truly become a better man now that Deijha is in my life

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Drea smiled at me. "Oh so you did give it some thought, and what conclusion did you come to?" She asked.

I sighed I hated to tell her that I wasn't ready for a relationship with her, and that I just wanted us to co parent Deijha together because right now I really don't want a relationship. "I think that we should just come parent Deijha together I'm not ready for a relationship right now Drea."

"Are you serious right now Drew what the hell did I have Deijha for if we're not getting back together!" She yelled.

Did she really just say what I think she said? Please tell me that I heard her wrong; so she just had Deijha because she figured that we would get back together? "You know what? Get the fuck out Drea, and don't come around me or my daughter again. I couldn't believe that she said that shit she definitely crossed the fuckin' line.

Jay's POV

Plan #1 was complete I am on my way to getting my baby back no matter what, and nobody could stop me not even that nigga Tahj when I was at his house earlier he looked like he wanted to fight but he knew better than to try me I'm a NOLA nigga, and you don't test us plain, and simple

.My phone beeps, and I pick up to a text message from Drew I sighed because I already knew that he was going to ask a million questions, and tell me how stupid I am for doing this but I read the text anyway.

"Nigga where are you?"

"In New York why what's wrong?"

"Nothing I... Wait what the fuck are you doing in New York?"

I sighed because here it comes the million damn questions like he's my damn mama I swear he's worse than my mama, and sometimes I ask myself did my mama have Drew, and she just forgot to tell me? Because he act like he's my damn brother.

"I came to get my Mya back that's why I'm in New York."


"No I haven't."

"She's engaged bring your ass back to New Orleans, and forget about Mya, and move on."

I read his message, and didn't respond it wasn't that easy to just forget about Mya Drew would never understand the way I feel I'm not complete without her once I have her I will finally be complete but until then I'm not coming back until she's on my arm, and I know that may sound selfish but I don't really give a damn.

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