February 14th

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A/N: I mentioned earlier the "vocal kids" had an assignment to write a love song. I really like these, some of them you may not know. I put them at the end so give them a listen because they're really beautiful. ALSO??? Set It Off is doing a project with their fans and long story short, I got to call Cody Carson??? Oh my god, I'm still shook over that. I seriously love those guys so much. Cody is a gift to this world. Anyway, that wasn't important but I had to share. Cheerio!

        As Saturdays go for me, this one is rather calm. Usually, my friends hang out over the weekend and they are, but not the same kind of hang out. Jenna and Lynn are out at an art museum and I know they're going to a vegan restaurant for an early dinner later. Cody took Amelia to go ice skating. I think Brendon finally asked Sarah to go out to eat too but later. I don't have any plans myself. 

        Yesterday was...weird. Well, the last two weeks have been weird but yesterday, I don't know anymore. I didn't get a real note. I got one on Thursday. It was on this metallic olive green construction paper. And that flourished handwriting wrote I'm very indecisive and always have trouble picking anything. But without a doubt, you're my favorite everything. ~Secret Admirer  I found it in my bag right after English. I thought there would be a little more to it but I told myself that they're probably making a big deal for Friday. 

        The school was delivering carnations on Friday. I signed out of study hall but before my teacher dismissed me, he gave me a few flowers. I got a pink one from Jenna, which was really sweet of her. And I got also 5 red ones. I looked at the tag but it didn't state who it was from or even the "secret admirer" ordeal. Instead, it just said Monday will mark one for each. And I have no idea what that means. I don't know if that means something's going to happen on Monday or if I'm supposed to just figure this out.

        On my way down to art, I was debating if I should put them away in my locker.I decided against it because I kind of wanted to be a little spoiled looking. I thanked Jenna. She gave one to all her friends. I noticed Gerard just glanced up, stared at them and went back to his work. He was acting weird again. What else is new? I wanted to ask if he sent them but I couldn't in front of the others. No need to create unnecessary problems. 

        I did ask him in history, somewhat jokingly but also serious, if he did send them. He shook his head, laughing and said that he was with me and he didn't go up. Yeah, I should've remembered that. But a part of me sunk. If Gerard isn't doing this, then who is? Like who actually cares enough to bother? I don't really talk to anyone besides my friends and none of them would do this. It doesn't add up. 

        There was no note at the end of the day either. I was a little disappointed. I mean, the flowers are probably from the secret admirer, especially since the handwriting matched. If they're not, then that's a problem. I really don't want one person crushing on me but two would make me actually want to die. Why can't Gerard just like me? And if he does, why doesn't he have the balls to do something about it? I know I don't and he knows that too so can't he just get on with it? Unless he doesn't like me and that would explain the lack of action. 

        There's a knock on my door. "Yeah?" I call out, turning off my phone. 

        My mother opens the door and she smiles at me. She's wearing makeup and her hair is in a simple up-do, "Hey, how are you?"

        I give a casual shrug. "I'm good."

        She steps into my room. Good thing I did my laundry earlier so she doesn't nark on me. She glances at my dresser and notices the wilting rose and the fresh carnations. "Oh, pretty flowers you have," she says. "Who are they from?"

        "Um, the pink one is from Jenna," I say. I'm technically not lying. 

        "Oh, that's really sweet of her," my mom says. "She like you?"

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