October 31st

928 42 41

        When I wake up, my phone is spammed with notifications all from midnight. Missed calls from Jenna, Hayley, Lynn, and Gerard. Also, a spam loaded with texts. All of them are people spelling out HAPPY BIRTHDAY one letter at a time as well as others sending verse my verse happy birthday song. All the missed calls are accompanied by voicemails. I start listening to them. The first is from Jenna.

        "Happy birthday, Frank!" she says on the phone. I'm pretty sure she's with Amelia and Cody. "I know it's only been like two months of knowing you but you're one of my best friends already."

        "Same!" Amelia says in the background. "Glad to have you there behind me in math because I'd be sleeping the whole time."

        "Happy birthday, Frank!" Cody screams.

        "Anyways, hope today is awesome and I'm excited to see you tonight!" Jenna says.

        "Love you!" Amelia screams before it ends. 

        I smile to myself listening to them before clicking on Hayley's. It pauses for a moment before she and as well as Brendon start singing happy birthday to me. Not the traditional one but some pop remix. Also, the two of them are in choir so they have harmonies going on and it's quite an epic duet. "Have a great, man!" Hayley says when they finish.

        "Conquer the world!" Brendon cheers. 

        The next one is Lynn's. "Hey, Frank. I'm sure you're getting spammed right now but I'm still going to wish you a happy birthday. I'm glad we have class together and I really enjoy hanging out with you. We'll have a lot of fun tonight so I'm looking forward to it. Hope you have a great day, bye."

        Last is Gerard's. "Hiya, Frankie. Happy birthday. Everyone else is probably calling you right now so I'm just going to say I'm looking forward to the morning and tonight. You can come to my house and I can do your skeleton make up." He pauses for a moment thinking. "Well, I hope today is better than days in the past. You deserve the best. Anyways, I'm going to stop now. See you in the morning, love ya."

        I smile warmly and then open up the texts, reading them all then replying thank yous. I pack my bag and head downstairs. My parents don't acknowledge me, nothing out of the ordinary. I just walk out the door and they don't say a word. 

        It's a bit cold now, the brisk air stinging my face but it's almost refreshing. I make it to Gerard's house and knock on the door. His father answers. "Little early for trick or treaters," he says.

        "Uh, n-no. I'm Gerard's friends?"

        "Yes, I know, Frank?" he laughs.


        "Well, come on in," he says. I step in and take off my shoes. "It's your birthday, right?"

        "Yeah," I say again. Why am I being awkward?

        "Well, happy birthday. Cool that it's on Halloween." He shuts the door.


        "Yeah, Gerard's favorite holiday. Well, I'm sure you know the way up there."

        "Thank you," I say, grabbing my bag and going to his room. "Knock knock," I say, opening the door.

        "Hey, you!" he cries out. "Happy birthday." He has his face paled white with his eyes reddened eyes and heavy eyeliner. He also has wax over his teeth molded into large fangs. I smile at him. He's also dressed very nice. A black dress shirt tucked into his belt and he has tight skinny jeans on, making him look really fine. And a blood red tie but he seems to be struggling to tie it. "Like what you see? he smirks.

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