February 11th

648 31 53

        I texted Gerard 40 minutes ago but he hasn't responded yet. I know this isn't the first time he's taken a while to get back to me. Sure, things come up and life happens. He can't always answer his phone. But my god, the circumstances could be better. 

        Is he actually just busy or whatnot? It's 6:45. He should be awake by now. He definitely should be awake now. Cody comes to get us at 7. Unless he's running late? No, he's always awake because his parents would be up and he's a light sleeper and he wakes up. 

        After we left the other's house, Patrick drove Gerard and I home. He left like it was normal. Perhaps Amelia called him again afterward when he got home and told him. Maybe that's why he isn't texting me because he knows and he's uncomfortable or mad or grossed. No, he can't be. It's not like the concept of the two of us is completely alien to him. We've kissed. I'll never let myself forget about that ancient history. But those two kisses were his initiation. Yeah, Gerard's full of great ideas. A little dangerous because it causes massive amounts of feeling that I honestly didn't ask for.

        The rose is starting to wilt. It's resting in a vase that's on my dresser. The petals are drooping and it's making me sad. I gave it water and I put it by the window. By it's because the flower is picked so it's slowly dying. It was pretty though while everything lasted.

        I check my phone again. Still, nothing and my last text was at 6:03. I mean, I first texted him at 5:36 but I figured he was maybe still sleeping then. Now it's not really something he can do. I swipe out of my messaging app and go back to YouTube to play "Sad Song" again. It's so beautiful and cute. I'm still trying to figure out why Gerard was shocked. He wasn't angry or upset, just like surprised. I know he and I have some of the same music taste but he listens to more bands than I do. So I didn't know he liked his band or this song but why was he like that? Okay, hypothetically, Gerard is sending me these to me. Why would he act that way? Wouldn't that give away anything? He's a pretender and he would've pretended to not know it. Unless he's thinking that I'm thinking he's sending it to me so he purposely acts the wrong way. But that wouldn't give any reason. That just makes him look suspicious. Okay, so that is out the window. Gerard wouldn't be sending these to me. I mean, I did ask him at point blank the other day and he said no. He could've lied, maybe. 

        Okay, so in the realm of Gerard did NOT send those little notes, why would he act that way? He definitely knows the song but-

        My phone starts buzzing, snapping my thoughts out of my head. It's Gerard. -Hey, sorry about that, you can stop by now- Okay then.

        I grab my backpack and pocket my phone, heading out. It's still really cold and dreary out. I ring the bell and the door opens shortly after. It's Mikey. "Um, hi," I say surprised. I didn't expect to see him. 

        "Hey, what's up, my man?" he says, stepping to the side as I walk in. He's wearing runner's pants and that same black jacket he was wearing last time I saw him. He also has a bandanna over his head. "Yo, Gerard was just t-"

        "You stop right there," Gerard says, coming down the stairs. A nervousness settles inside me as he walks over. "Did you finish eating?" he asks Mikey.

        "Did you?" Mikey snaps back. Gerard looks at him and they have a stare off for a few seconds. "I'll take that as a no." Mikey starts moonwalking backward to the kitchen. 

        Gerard just shakes his head at him while laughing. He turns back to face me. "My brother is an internet child filled with Vine and Tumblr."

        I cross my arms, glaring at Gee. "Hmm, I wonder where he got that from. I truly wonder."

        Gerard rolls his eyes, whacking my arm. "Oh, stop." I take my shoes off and we go sit down in the living room. 

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