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After a short nap, Rain got up from her hospital bed. A dullness hammered her head, as if the smoke from the streets still fogged up her mind. Her room reeked of antiseptic and mint. White walls with bluish tint emanated a cool and clean atmosphere in stark contrast to the brown brick buildings and industrial-style facades of Esperanza. Rain touched her body underneath her gown. Bandages covered her injuries while quick-heal cream soothed her skin. Back in the early days, she would have panicked ending up in hospital, but since Crowd's Care4U health plan paid for all medical expenses, she could focus on getting well.

A chubby nurse entered and checked her vitals on a data pad. "You're fine. A few scratches and bruises, but nothing serious."

"Where's my partner?"

The nurse arched her eyebrows.

"Sasha Foxwell."

"He's in room three oh one."

"Which floor?"

"Well, here on the third."

Rain shot up from her bed. When her bare feet touched the cold floor, she flinched.

"Woah, take it easy. We gave you a sedative, so you want to keep it slow."

"How is he?"

"Mr. Foxwell?" She looked up her data pad. "He's in his room right now. You might be able to talk to him."

"But how is his condition?"

"I'm sorry, but I can't disclose that data."

Rain put on her socks and targeted Sasha's room on the other side of the corridor. He lay in his hospital bed with a big smile on his pale face and sucked orange juice through a straw.

"What are you smiling about?" Rain asked.

"Seeing your face makes my heart sing."

"Uh-oh, are the drugs that strong?"

"Sister patched me up good."

Rain grabbed a chair and set in beside Sasha bed. She wanted to hug him, but didn't know if it was appropriate. A yellowish cream covered his upper-left forehead where the stitches closed the laceration in his skin.

"Took the doctor only nine minutes," Sasha said. "She said the stitches are going to dissolve in two weeks."

"Let's hope there won't be a scar."

"I'll wear it like a badge."

It was good to hear his voice again. And despite his current position, Sasha emanated strength. It felt comforting.

"Seriously, how are you?" Rain asked.

"I can finally feel my limbs, so that's a plus."

"I think you're better."

"How about you?"

Rain pointed toward the bandages on her stomach. "Just a few little bandages. Definitely going to bed early tonight."

Rain paused when she noticed he was distracted. "What are you watching?"

Sasha shared his feed channel via their VR lens synchronization. Bloomer News played, showing an anchor standing in front of a holographic drone recording. The bird's eye perspective showed the rioters and anti-riot police clashing. The same horror they had experienced, just in hyper definition this time.

Rain listened.

"The Metro police's riot division has used its new Active Denial System to contain the protestors. According to the spokesperson, everyone within range feels as if their blood is boiling, rendering targets immobile. Officials say the technology doesn't cause any injuries."

Crowd: A Dystopian Social Network Thriller (Final Draft)Where stories live. Discover now