Dei lifted Shani off the ground and unto his back, causing her to let out a girlish yelp in surprise.

"What are you doing, idiot?" she asked, clinging her arms around his neck. She was glad he couldn't see the slight blush running across her cheeks.

"What does it look like?" he replied in a matter-of-fact tone as he started to walk forward, "I may not like your selfish ass, but I'm still your hero nonetheless. Plus it would be unmanly of me to leave a wounded individual behind."

Shani didn't bother to respond. Inwardly, she was glad he thought of her condition first, but she would rather not tell him as she felt it expose her weaker side if she did.

Elsewhere, Umetaro lied Titania down onto a soft land of rubble and prayed for her safety. Angelina gazed at him with a bored expression on her face before turning her attention to Marko.

"W-Why are you doing this...?" Marko weakly asked.

"Why?" Angelina questioned. "Do you mind repeating that for me?"

"Why the hell are doing all of this?!" Marko barked, annoyed, "What's the point?!"

"Oh, I see. You wish to know of my motive. I figured the Tenkou Fairy would've already informed you on why I am revolting against her, but I guess she did not. Fine then, mortal, I shall grant your request."

The Fire Tenkou dropped Marko to the ground and stood over here, gazing into her icy blue eyes.

"As you know, the origin of the Tenkous began back when the planets were formed. However, there is a little modification to the tale than what the Tenkou Fairy wants you to believe. We were not born at the same time as the planets. No, we were created by the Tenkou Fairy herself, thus making her our mother. She didn't begin to create all of us straight away. First, she gave birth to the four Tenkous: The Ice, Earth, Water, and me, the Fire Tenkou.

"The process began with me, making me the eldest of the Tenkous and then downward to your Tenkou, the Ice Tenkou, making her my younger sister and second eldest. As the eldest, I am stronger and more capable than any proceeding Tenkou after me.

"However, that meant nothing to our mother. She always preferred the Ice Tenkou over me. I never understood why. I was the eldest and strongest, so it is only right that I deserved the most attention of the siblings. Now, don't go on thinking I simply revolted cause I was jealous of your Tenkou, dear. Far from it. It was rather the neglect from my mother that drove me.

"She placed me of all of her daughters to the farthest planet, Pluto! Do you know how cold that planet is?! Not even my celestial powers were enough to provide me warmth! Not only that, as our mother stays close to the Sun, she can easily speak to every other daughter expect for me!"

Angelina picked Marko up again, this time grabbing her by the throat and slightly squeezing it. Marko gasped for air as the Fire Tenkou's grip tightened.

"So I one day decided to waste all of you lesser Tenkous!" Angelina smiled maliciously seeing her in pain, "With an army of darklings by my side, I shall slowly destroy each and every one of you and I shall rule over this solar system for my own taking! Wait till mother sees your deceased corpse, dear sister! I honestly can't wait till that day comes!"

"Release her at once!" Umetaro demanded.

Upon hearing him, Angelina recollected her calm composure and glared at him. Her eyes then widened once she noticed his altered appearance.

Umetaro was now fashioned in shining pure white Kusari Gusoku armor from head to toe. His presence alone gave off an imposing sensation that even sent chills down the Tenkou's spine. His black eyes locked onto her, filled with anger and menace, as he unsheathed his swords.

Marko TenkouWhere stories live. Discover now