Chapter 12

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Marko Tenkou Ch.12

Another normal day... is what I would like to say. Every day here is completely crazy and varied! Anyway, today we take a different perspective... Hero's to be exact.

"Ah, my Marko Tenkou." he embraced her pillow as he rolled around in her bed. "Why can't I ever have the chance to fully embrace you for real? I feel like we are apart even though we live in the same house."

He threw the pillow into the air and then caught it. "I wonder why I can't remember anything." he wondered as he repeated the same thing. "The only thing I remember about myself is some sort of event."

He remembered seeing a rainbow-colored spin top and a blue rollercoaster. That was as far as his memory went. Only those two things. He recounted those types of things being able at a fair. Did he go to a fair once before?

As the pillow fell back down, a sudden memory hit him, a blue bumper car speeding towards him. It hit him so quickly, he didn't have time to catch the pillow, it landing head first to his face. He slowly removed the pillow from his face.

"What was that about?"

Why would a bumper car be speeding towards him? Was he playing a round in the bumper car attraction or for another reason?

A knock on the door. "Excuse me." a male voice said from the other side.

"Darn! I forgot to conceal myself!" he cursed and prepared to hide under her bed. It was too late as the door had already fully opened. He could stare at who was there.

"Um... Hero... what are you doing?" Umetaro stared at him with a confused look on his face.

"Um... nothing at all..."

A few minutes later in the backyard...

"Say, Umetaro." Hero looked at the older hero with a curious look.

"Yes, Hero?"

"Why are Marko's parents absent? I thought her mother stayed at home and her father comes home from time to time."

"Oh, I knocked them unconscious just a few minutes ago and placed them in the closet." Umetaro answered in a plain tone.

He just stared at him. "Really?"

"How else was I to enter the house?"

"N... Nevermind... I never thought of that... anyway, is there anything you need?"

Umetaro tossed him a wooden sword, literally from nowhere. He caught it, barely that is.

"I wish to test your abilities if you don't mind." he pulled his own wooden sword out, once again from thin air.

Hero didn't seem to be bothered by it and nodded. "Sure, if you want to."

They both readied themselves as they stood off. They slowly inched sideways, closing watching each other's movement. Umetaro then slightly step forward, making Hero block out of reflex, but he didn't strike.

"Good reflexes." he complimented. He then struck upwards, making him leap backwards. Hero lunged forward, preparing for a stab. He then noticed the older hero's wooden blade inches from his face. "However, your eyes do not flow as well. Keep them focus on the opponent, not on just defeating them."

"Right." he nodded, then stepped back. The two then went back to circling each other's movement.

"I'm going to go wild for a second, okay? Keep your focus up."

The younger hero nodded, "Yes, sir."

Umetaro removed his left hand from the hilt, letting it fall to his side. Suddenly, another wooden sword appeared in his left hand out of thin air. He then launched himself forward with near blinding speed. Hero was only able to react by slightly blocking a strike from the right, but his left was exposed to another incoming strike. He quickly duked down, evading the strike by just the tip. He stepped back by instinct, knowing a third strike was coming his right and evaded it.

He then struck at his left sword, but he blocked it and reacted by striking with his right. Quickly, he parried the strike and proceed to stab, but his body stopped when his left leg was hit by his right sword.

"You're right side was open, in fact, I could've also hit you on the left." the older hero notified. "Don't use stabs often unless it is necessary to do so."

"Yes, sir!" he bowed forward.


Immediately, Umetaro struck with his right and Hero blocked. He then struck with his left and instead of jumping backwards, Hero charged forward and duked below the blade. He then struck to his exposed left side, but Umetaro quickly noticed and turn himself around, blocking the strike with his right sword.

"Wide open!" Hero shouted as he leaped forward and released his grip on his sword, surprising the older hero. A blue field of energy then surrounded his left hand. "Hero Shot!" he shouted as he threw a punch with his left fist. Umetaro quickly jumped backwards, leaping over the attack, and then struck downwards with both swords. Hero quickly grabbed his sword and blocked both strikes.

"Ah... you learned that technique again." Umetaro smirked.

"Huh?" Hero looked at his left hand, noticing the blue energy. "What is this?"

Umetaro stepped back. "Every hero has their own special techniques that is unique to them. You can apply your energy to one of your body parts, enhancing the physical strength of that part. I believe you can also placed that same energy on a weapon as well."

"I can do that." he stared at the blue energy with wonder. It resembled like a burning flame, but it didn't hurt his hand at all. The energy slowly faded away.

"Do you wish to continue?" Umetaro asked.

"Yeah, let's!" he regained his focus back on him and prepared himself.

Elsewhere, at the school, Marko couldn't keep her eyes from averting to the back, looking at Shani often. She wanted to talk to her, hoping to clear up any bad blood between the two; however, her presence made her weary to speak. Unlike Titania, who was just beautiful to look at, she had a dark demeanor around here. It was filled with anger and hate. It was clear she didn't her to speak to her.

She sighed to herself. "What am I going to do?" she buried her face into her arms in depress.

Titania noticed her depressed state, looking at her with a sad and sympatric look. She then looked at Shani, who was as calm and collected as ever.

After class, Marko stood up from her seat and proceed to go to the front gate. Shani was about to do same; however, Titania stopped her.

"Excuse me, Shani, was it?" Titania approached her.

"Yes?" Shani asked.

"I was wondering if you and I could talk for a moment, if you don't mind."

She thought to herself for a second and then spoke. "Alright, what is it?"

"Why do you hate Marko so much? She's a nice person, really. I don't see why you would..."

"That's a lie. She isn't nice at all."

"But, you were her friend, right?!"

"That was before... but not again... not for what she did."

"What did she do?"

She paused for a minute, then she spoke again. "She... stole something from me. Something very important and dear. And for that, I can never forgive her no matter what you say."

"Shani, we need to work together if we want to live. Put aside your hate and let's work together."

"You believe in her that much? Fine then, she's going to have to prove herself then."

"What do you have in mind?"

"I want her Hero to fight against my Hero. If he wins, then I'll think about joining your little group."

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