Chapter 24

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Marko Tenkou Ch.24

Amongst the rubble far off from where the scene was taking place, a stream of blood trickled down from a specific location. Under a pile of rubble, a pair of lifeless black eyes stared aimlessy into the smoked filled sky.

A loss metal pipe that once hung from the ceiling had driven through the chest of the corpse of a young girl, skewering through the center of her once beating heart.

Even in death, her frightening yet beautiful appearance remained despite her shadow crafted dress being soaked in her own blood. So there lied in the endless amount of rubble the body of Shani Miyako, deceased and undiscovered.


As if by fate, life suddenly flew back into Shani's body. She took in deep, gasping breaths before noticing her condition. She stared utterly bewildered that she was alive with a metal pipe driven through her heart.

She was in pain, no doubt, but it was slowly decreasing as she took in a few more breathes. Not bothering to question how she was still alive, the dark Tenkou pushed the slab of rubble off of her, removing the metal pipe.

Shani then sprang up to examine her wounds, gazing at the gaping hole in her bleeding chest and also noticing that her left hand was cribbed into a broken mess.

A host of questions ran through her mind. Why was she still alive? How was she not feeling as massive amount of pain from her wounds? What was the condition of her comrades?

It was then something occurred that gave her a whole new question. Her hand slowly began to reform back to original state, fixing the broken bones and replacing the torn skin with fresh, new ones. The hole in her chest was beginning to regrew the missing tissue, muscle, and blood. Within seconds, Shani no longer had a broken hand nor a skewered chest.

Somehow she had regenerated, but this had never occurred to her before. Sure she had received bruises and small cuts before, but none were ever fatal and never had she notice any sort of regenerative factors onto them.

This reminded her of Suits' regeneration abilities back the Tenkous first encountered him. Was this the same ability? Did this mean that...?

"Hey, Shani!"

The booming voice of Dei halted her thinking process. Shani gazed to her side, noticing the hero running towards her. He had a few bruises and a bleeding forehead, but other than that, he was in a well enough condition to move around.

"Thank goodness you're alright," he said, breathing heavily, "That bitch sure did a number on this place."

Shani remained silent, nodding in agreement. She then noticed Dei carrying Hero in his left arm, unconscious and slightly bruised as well. He must've protected him from the blast with his own sturdy body.

"You feeling alright?" Dei asked. "That's a lot of blood on your clothing, though I don't notice any wounds on you."

"I-I'm fine," she lied, not wishing to talk about her experience. She would tell him and the others later. "What's the condition of the others?"

"Well, I dunno," Dei replied, scratching the back of his bald head, "I came looking for you first. Hero was already with me."

"Tch, you need not to worry about me. I protected myself with shadows, so I'm mostly okay." Shani once again lied. She was caught off guard by Angelina's sudden attack, unable to protect herself.

"Alright then, if you can walk, let's go search for the others. Can you?"

The dark Tenkou attempted to stand, but her body was responding weakly. She felt slight pain moving her body, despite it healing itself not too long ago.

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