Chapter 13

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Marko Tenkou Ch.13

Just as Marko was just about to leave out of the school, Titania stopped her.

"Oh, hey, what's up?" she turned around and asked. She was surprised to see Shani standing next to her. "S... Shani?"

Titania raised her hand in greeting. "Hey, Marko... um..." she struggled to say anything further as the tension between the two pervious friends began to heat up, almost literally.

"Marko." Shani simply said with a blank expression on her face. "I wish to ask you this directly since this does involve you."

Marko tried to keep her tough composure. "What is it?"

"I want both of our heroes to fight each another."

Of course, Marko lost it when she heard that. "W... What?! Are you seriously considering that?! Why?!"

"Because a powerful hero shows reflects upon their Tenkou. If my hero wins, you have to do whatever I instruct you to do without question. The same goes for you, though I'm confident you'll fail as always."

"What was that?"

Shani walked past her. "I'm waiting for your answer, unless you fear that your hero is too weak to defeat mine. In that case, you might bring up that we should fight. However..." she stopped a few inches away from her and looked back with a death glare. "Even someone as inexperience as you should know you can't beat me. You can try, but I rather handle this without dirtying my own hands."

A chill ran down Titania's spine. Shani's energy was literally shooting daggers at a single location in front of her, like all the darkness around her was ready to engulf their target... that target being Marko. She could tell she was more powerful than either of them even if she fought alongside Marko in a 2-on-1 battle.

"You..." Marko suddenly spoke, breaking Titania out of her trance. Oddly, she didn't even seem afraid at all, more like she was more enraged than anything else. "Want to fight our heroes against each other? Fine. I'll make sure Hero wipes that damn smirk off your face." she glared back with her death glare.

Just as she said, there was a creeping, dark smirk planted on Shani's face that even she didn't realized. She quickly noticed it and regained her composure. "Alright, then. Let's go to your house and grab your hero. My house is a bit far, so it's quicker to just bring everyone along." she walked on to the left.

"My house is this way." Marko walked on the opposite direction. Shani followed with Titania walking in-between the two.

"I really know how to pick them." Titania mumbled to herself. She felt both of their cold and dark presences barking at each other like rapid dogs readying to tear each other to pieces. Needless to say, she was quite uncomfortable.

It was almost evening, with the sky becoming a mixture of blue and orange as evidence, when they entered Marko's home. Surprisingly, her parents weren't home. Unsurprisingly, Hero was in the living room. Much to Marko and Titania's surprise, Umetaro was there as well (okay, I'll stop).

"Umetaro? What are you doing here?" Titania asked her hero.

"Ah, Titania." he noticed. "We were just finishing our training for today."

"Welcome home, my love!" Hero happily waved like a child finally seeing his mother after a day of school, much to Marko's annoyance. "Oh, I see you've brought along Titania, a fine morning to you!" he bowed in greeting and then noticed Shani, who was lending back against a wall with a bored expression on her face.

"My! A new friend has welcomed her presence to me!" Hero admittedly dashed to her and bowed. "Welcome, beautiful maiden! Do you mind if I take your blazer?" he held his hand out.

"Um, perverted hero, I don't think that's wise..." Marko said.

"Oh, no need to be jealous, my love! I am simply asking to see blazer! This is most certainly not an attempt to see her bra lining or anything!" he laughed. He then noticed Marko wasn't giving off an anger expression like she would usually would, but rather a concerned one. Titania and Umetaro were doing the same.

"Um... why are you guys looking at me like that?" he then turned to see Shani holding a black scythe close to his neck, her beautiful black eyes gave a convincing "Don't screw with me" glare that not even Marko could muster.

"What did you say, peasant?" she held the scythe with both hands, one to wield and the other to push the scythe downward in case he did anything to tick her off.

"Nothing. Nothing at all." Hero said, shaking in complete fear nonetheless.

Shani vanished her grip, letting the scythe disappear into darkness. "I presume this is your hero?" she asked Marko.

"Regretfully, yes." she confirmed.

"Good, then let's go." Shani walked out of the house.

"My..." Hero finally sighed in relief. "What a woman."

"Were you... turned on by that..." Marko silently asked, but forgot about it. "Whatever. Let's just finish this." she and Titania walked to the front door.

"Where are going?" Umetaro asked.

"He's going to fight another hero." Marko pointed at Hero without even turning her back.

"Okay." Hero agreed and followed after.

"W... Wait. You're just going to do it?" Umetaro was a bit dumbfounded.

"Sure, why not? Anything for Marko Tenkou!" Hero simply answered as he left.

Umetaro sighed. "I fear his kindness might hurt him one day... or Marko's selfishness might."

With that, he reluctantly left the household. It was at that same moment Marko's parents fell out of the closet.

"Ow..." her father rubbed his neck in pain. "Did we get hurt by a truck or fell off the corner again while doing it?"

"What were we doing in the closet?" her mother asked.

None of their questions were ever answered...

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