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-Scarlet's P.O.V-

I walk into school. It was my first day of high school and I'm nervous as hell. My mom is dropping off the twins while my dad, Joey and Daniel are dropping me off.
"Can't I just have them with me?" I ask, I'm talking about the color contacts I wear. I don't like people seeing me and asking my why my eyes are red.
"Do you really need them?" My dad asks
"Yes." I say, "I won't wear them unless I have to." 
"Fine." He says slipping them in my bag, "Just don't tell your mother."
"Bye, love you!" I call walking into the crowd of freshmen
"Let someone know if you get anxious!" My father calls after me, "Love you too!"
The bell rings, I head to my first class, art. Great. My mom is amazing at art, compared to her I look terrible, granted, I already do, but she make me look worse. I sit down in the back of the class.
"Hello class, I am Ms. McCarthy!" Our teacher says, "We're going to take attendance so I can learn your names." She looks at her list. She calls out some names, they're followed by a student saying 'here.' I wait for my name to be called, "Phoebe Knight-Major!" She calls
"Here!" My cousin says from the front, "I prefer Fox." A couple more names are called.
"Scarlet Major!" Ms McCarthy calls
"Here." I say, she smiles at me
"I remember your parents." She says, "They were great artists." Great, another person to disappoint.
The next couple of classes go by slowly. Finally, the lunch bell rings. I walk into the cafeteria. Fox is sitting with her popular and smart friends. Krystal, she's a junior, is sitting with her drama friends. Lilly and Lilac are sitting with their art friends. Krystal and I are pretty good friends outside of school since her parents, Joey and Daniel, get along with my parents. Lilac and I talk occasionally but mostly because, again, her parents, Lizzie and Joel, are a family friend. Then there's Lilly and Fox. We don't really talk unless our parents tell us to. Lilly is Will and Emily's daughter and Fox is Uncle Scott and Uncle Callum's daughter. I find Alice, Ari and Alex's oldest daughter, sitting at a table and walk over.
"Are the others coming?" She asks talking about Auni, Ovi and Bella's daughter, Sadie, Shelby and Parker's daughter, Talia, Yammy and Kyle's daughter (I know they have a son but screw it), Sasha, Lauren and Bobby's daughter, Grace, Stacy and (insert whoever you want Stacy to be with, I'm writing Grazer but only bc I don't have any better options) and Luke, Meghan and John's son.
"Hey guys, what'd I miss?" Auni asks
"Nothing much." I say, "How are you classes so far?"
"Boring." She says, "Anything new happen?" She talking about the weird things that've been happening to us lately, non-human things.
"No, not really." I say, "Anything with you guys?" Auni and Alice shake their heads
"Hey guys, wuzzup?" Luke says sitting down
"Nothing much." Auni says, "Anything new happen?"
"Actually yes." He says, he reaches into his bag. He pulls out a strawberry with a strawberry plant growing out of one of the seeds.
"Woah." I say looking at it
"I know right?" He says, "I was just sitting there eating my snack and this grew."
"Oh cool!" Sadie says sitting down
"I'm here!" Grace says sitting down
"Hello." Sasha says sitting next to Grace
"Hey guys." Talia says taking a seat next to Auni. We talk about of crappy our classes are and 'magical' things that've been happening to us.

-Fox's P.O.V-

I get home to my parents and the rest of their friends in the kitchen. The rest of their kids walk in soon after me.
"Can someone explain what's happening?" Krystal asks
"Yeah, so we understand weird things have been happening to you guys." Ari says, "We wanna talk to you guys about that." They tell us they're gonna take us somewhere. We walk a couple blocks to the edge of the forest. In front of it is a huge house I e never noticed before.
"It feels so good to be back here." Aunt Ursa says, we walk inside to be greeted by twenty floating orbs.
"Woah." Auni says looking around
"Ok, we'll look around after we explain everything." Yammy says, we all sit down in the living room.
"You guys are the next generation of Forms." Ovi says
"All the 'magical' things that've been happening to you are your powers starting to show themselves." Bella says, we all get handed a box. I open mine to see a charm and a piece of paper.

Fox: Guardian of Earth's Elements.

I pick up the charm. It starts to glow, it floats in the air and disappears.
"I know this is sorta a lot to take in." Alex says
"This is so cool!" Luke says, "What does 'The Guardian of Growth' mean?"
"It means you can make things grow." Ovi says, the plant on the coffee table starts to grow at an abnormal speed, "Like that."
"Cool!" I say enthusiastically
"So you guys have had powers this whole entire time and you didn't tell us?" Auni asks
"Yeah, pretty much." Bella says
"I wanna see my old room!" My dad (Scott) says, we head upstairs with our parents to see their rooms. I look around at the cloud and lightning related room.
"You used to live here?" I ask
"Yup." He says, "It was great."

-Luke's P.O.V-

I look around my mom's nature themed room. Most of the plants are dead but just by touching them they come back to life.
"I loved it here so much." She says, "There are so many good memories."
"I'm gonna go explore." I tell her, I walk down the hallway into another room. Its a cozy room with a star ceiling. I assume this is Ursa's room. I head down the hallway again. This time I walk into a room with Alice in it.
"Hey." I say, "What do you have?"
"Oh, nothing, I just found this." She says, she holds up a bird charm
"Do you think it belongs to your mom?" I ask
"I dunno, I'll show it to her." She says
"Here's another one." I say picking it up off the floor
"I found something else..."


If you're confused about this, this is four years after the 10 Years Later chapter I posted. Enjoy We are the Descendants!

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