Unfortunately, I have to do right by my kid. So, whatever I had done can't happen again. I would not be classified as an unfaithful husband not now not ever. "You don't know anything so if I were you I'd forget that whole event between us. Do I make myself clear?"

Kanna clicked her tongue then smirked before answering, "Are you done?" When I didn't answer she pushed hard against me and seeing I was much stronger I never even budge. Sighing I stepped aside only to watch her stomp back down stairs leaving me alone.

It was now dinner and we all were sitting at the table discussing the wedding preparations.

"Kana." My attention turned towards Dana who was glaring at her sister Kanna.

Kanna, my mind wondered in her direction. I still can't believe I had slept with Dana's little sister. And what's worse, she's 17. I could be sued for statutory rape.

"What the hell are you doing?" Kanna had a napkin and she seemed to be writing something on it.

"You're are always doodling, now as you can see we are discussing my wedding so put that thing away now." Dana yelled at Kanna and I felt bad for the poor girl still Kanna stopped what she was doing. Dana was an attention seeker, even throughout high school the spot light had to be on her. She reveled in it, the applaud, the cheers even the gossips which consist of her and her life.

"Now where is my special wine? It should be here." Dana wailed.

"Dana, its fine we can use the wine already here." It was my mother's voice that spoke. She was sweet and never did she like Dana but she tried her hardest to like her because of me.

"None sensed Mrs. Black. It is a special occasion." Dana once again gaped at her sister, "Go down to the cellar and get that wine." She ordered.

Kanna merely nodded before standing up.

"Now Dana, Kanna is your sister please do not order her as if she is a hired help." Mr. Frost smiled. Now Mr. Frost on the other hand loved his kids. He showed it in his actions which made Dana and her mother furious.

"None sense Daddy, she's just a free loader."

Silence was replaced by shocking gasps. How could she think of her sister that way? How could I think of Kanna in an inappropriate way?

Suddenly I felt Dana's hand on my thighs as the conversation went back to our wedding.

"Must we have our two children marry so soon?" My father also wasn't fond of Dana but he was Mr. Frost best friend so he had to put up pretenses.

"Why of course after all our children love each other." I cringed at the word love from Mrs. Frosts mouth. I can guarantee it was her idea we should marry in the first place.

After all, once we had told Dana's parents about our pregnancy, Mrs. Frost didn't hesitate to suggest marriage. In fact, they are the only two people who we have told.

I shudder to think of my parent's reaction when they find out. And am not planning to tell them till after the marriage.

"Mr. Black we not only love each other but..." Dana paused, when Kanna came back starting to fill everyone's glass.

"Please child let me..." Mary their maid glanced at Kanna.

"No! She'll finished the job." Mrs. Frost smirked.

Kanna continued to pour the drink in all our glasses.

Dana waited before Kanna took back her seat. "As I was saying Mike and I have a big announcement."

OH, fuck is she going to say what I think she's going to say.

"We're having a baby." She had blurted the news out faster than I anticipated. We never even talked about it. At least consult me first before dropping the bomb.

"What the hell!" Ed, my father boomed in his seat jumping in the process. His face full of anger. "Michael what's the meaning of this?" Anyone can see he is very upset. My mother Susan trying to calm him down.

"Ed, what's wrong with that?" Mr. Frost question.

"Brandon you knew." Ed looked shocked and so did my mother.

My mother looked towards us, "Is this the reason you two are getting married?"

Mrs. Frost only nodded her head.

"You know," this time it was my aunt who decided to speak. She was like a spectator only speaking when spoken to or if she has something rather important to say, "Just because you two are having a baby doesn't mean that you have to get married."

"I will not have my daughter a single mother." Mrs. Frost interrupted.

"She will not be signal after all Mike here will be a father to your child isn't that right Michael." My aunt smiled at me. It's official my whole family is against this marriage.

I felt Dana squeeze my leg, "No, Dana and I love each other. I want a complete family." It's true, if I had ever wanted kids I'd make sure both mom and dad are living under the same room just like my parents.

Sighing my father finally sat back down, "Fine, if that's what you wish but do you have to get married in a few weeks. Why not wait a couple years?"

"No, Dana will be married before the baby is born." The only one smiling if Mrs. Frost and Dana.

No one couldn't refuse even Mr. Frost kept quiet in all this. As for Kanna she went back to drawing on her napkin as if this conversation never took place.

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