He even said it himself that if I ever get hurt in any way even if it is just a bump in the head or something he will go mad of worrying if I am in any pain. "We are going to start by creating a simple water ball. I know you have done it before but that was by accident and clearly was based on your emotions but now I want you to think about it with your mind then do it. I don't have magic so I can't show you how it is done but I do know a lot about magic" she says. Ok, I can do this right? I am always accidentally making water balls everywhere. I guess it is just based on my emotions but what emotion do I need use to make one? But how does Victoria know so much about magic if she doesn't have powers on her own. She tells me to sit down on the ground I do. I get myself comfortable on the ground. "Put your right hand out" she says and I do as she says. It is really important for me to do exactly as she says, I want to get the hang of my powers as soon as possible.

"Now focus on the space just above your hand, once you do that I want you to think about one water ball above your hand" she says and that is what I do. I try my best to focus on making that water ball but nothing. No matter how hard I try nothing happens. I have been trying for about an hour just to make one water ball above my hand but it just isn't happening. Jason looks worried for me. Why can't my magic do something when I am trying to use it? Instead it is doing nothing no matter what I do. I'm getting a little angry at myself for not begin able to make a simple water ball. I have done it so many times when I don't want it to happen. Maybe if I think that I don't want a magic water ball to appear above my hand then maybe it won't happen. I clear my head and only think about not making a water ball. But nothing happened, no water ball or anything. This is getting annoying.

We've been at this for hours and nothing seems to be happening. Victoria keeps telling me that I will be able to do this soon only if I focus. Yeah, because it is not like I have been focusing this whole time. I close my eyes and focus really hard about making a water ball above my hand, I open my eyes and for the thousandth time I am disappointed that nothing happened. I look at Victoria and she is staring at something behind me surprised and a little scared. I see that Jason is also looking at something that is behind me and I turn around to see that there is a giant water ball hovering in the air like nothing. My jaw drops. Did I do that? Is that why I have been feeling like something has been drained out of me? Every since we started today I have slowly started to feel a bit weak, I just thought that it was because I was getting tired. The huge water ball is just there not even doing anything. I hadn't notice that Jason had walked over to me until he put a hand on my shoulder which scared me a lot.

I jump up from begin frightened but as soon as that happen the water ball goes into action. It spits water at Jason so he falls down to the ground all soaking wet but the water ball goes down to me and lifts me up in the air and before I know it I am inside the water ball. It is like begin in a swimming pool but only I can breath and see normally like I would on land. This is so weird. Victoria helps Jason up but both of them look at me in the water ball with their jaws dropped. I guess they weren't expecting this to happen, well I wasn't either. I don't understand how this is possible. Why did the water ball take me inside it and why did it shoot water at Jason? This is getting so confusing for me to handle. How do I even get out of this water ball? I have no idea how I made it in the first place. I guess I have a long way of learning to control this magic powers that I have and something tells me this is just the beginning.

I'm not even wet which is a good things sort of. I see why their jaw dropped, my wings have returned and I am wearing the dress that I was wearing when I came back to life. I touch the wings to make sure that they are really my wings. They feel the same. For some reason it feels nice to be back in that dress, it is very comfortable but I don't get how I am suddenly in it. I didn't even feel it when I suddenly was in a dress and my wings appeared. I put my hand out to see if I could get out of this water ball but as my hand moves so does the water ball. It is like it is protecting me for some reason but the thing is that I am in no danger so that doesn't really make sense to me at all. "Emma do you hear me?" Victoria asks after coming to her senses and realizing that I really want to get out of here. Don't get me wrong, I love water and I feel like home in this water ball but this isn't really what I wanted to do.

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