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Waking up the next morning was rough, my throat was scratchy, my head was throbbing and my mouth was dry. My room was beyond freezing once I got the motivation to rid the warmth of the sheets away from my body and stand from the bed. I look down at the bed, mentally apologizing for breaking up with it. I stretch my sore muscles, reaching my arms towards the ceiling letting out a low groan while my back begins to pop along my spine.

I walk over to my window, drawing the shades back expecting a bright light to shine through but the lighting is dim. The snow has now turned into slush from the constant showers of rain throughout the night. The snow hadn't lasted long which was not a surprise. The dark gray clouds fill up the sky, no sight of the sun is visible only the constant flashes of lightning scattering beneath the clouds. The scene in front of me is beautiful, the way the rain falls quickly down to the ground, the sound of the water hitting the roofs.

To some, rain is not important. They say that it brings nothing but a depressing mood. I've never understood how someone could say the rain was depressing. The rain makes me happy, for it makes me think a lot more. I believe that I have made the best decisions in my life when it had rained; it's very relaxing and beautiful.

But that's the thing right? No one really sees the true beauty of something unless they really look into it and believe in it. Rain is just like an ordinary person, but society will look at them and pluck out all the bad flaws about them and tell them lies. You never will see the beauty in the rain until you are the one falling down with it.

I walk away from my window gathering up all my clothes for the day and walk into the bathroom. After cleaning up I fix up my hair with some gel, slightly pushing it towards the side like I use to always do. Grabbing my beanie I fix my hair a bit more before brushing my teeth and slipping on my boots.

I look into the mirror next to my closet and stare into my very own blue eyes. It may seem strange but I've noticed the bright blue of my eyes slowly turn into a dark gray over the past year. My eyes hold so much more emotion than they ever did in my life. I've held many of my tears back. Maybe if I cry the brightness will shine again in my lifeless eyes?

I was nervous for the things that were about to happen this afternoon. The interview was going to be terrible knowing that many have figured out why I have not been active lately. I knew the vacation lie wouldn't last long. Who goes on vacation for a whole year without any form of contact with anyone?

I make myself a cup of tea in the kitchen for once, figuring it would be best to show up at the interview sober though I knew I would have a killer headache without the amount of alcohol I usually consume in the mornings.

Sitting on my island counter, I stare back out the window my eyes trying to follow every droplet of water but the rain is falling too fast to keep up. The sunrise is beautiful in the rain, instead of a pink bright clear winter sky; the clouds are lit up pink and orange creating an amazing scene as the lightning flickers.

The current time was around six in the morning, too early for my liking but the peppermint tea I held to my lips was helping me feel alive. Swallowing hard I flicker my eyes to the familiar wooden cabinet knowing what the contents inside were; hard liquor. Shaking my head to myself I look away taking another sip from the warm mug. I swing my legs slightly, staring down at my tiled floor the nervousness becoming almost unbearable. Before I could think to do anything my phone was buzzing from beside me. Picking it up, I answered without looking at the screen.

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