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I woke up this morning by my phone buzzing nonstop from the boys demanding me to look at my twitter. I've never been on twitter much anymore so I went along and logged on, but that was a huge mistake. The most popular hashtag on twitter was #1Disdead. My eyes suddenly filled with horror looking at all the pictures and tweets towards me. What did I ever do? One tweet caught my attention which said,

'Apparently Louis is indeed not on a vacation and has quit the band, thanks to Louis Tomlinson One Direction is now dead. I hope you're happy Louis!'

I was enraged when I had seen the tweet, who had said I broke apart from One Direction? Yes I haven't done anything but drink away my sorrows and avoid the media at all costs, but we were not even on another tour yet. Quickly dialing Niall's number I put the phone on speaker setting it onto my bed. Within two rings he had picked up and his voice filled my room,

"Hi Louis."

"How did they find out?" There was shuffling at the other end of the call before I heard Harry speak up,

"We don't know but you to clear things up for the fans."

"How can I clear anything up when it's the truth?" It was silent for a while. I didn't even know what I had said until I thought about it making me groan while pulling at my hair.

"You're not leaving the band Louis." Liam then growls.

"That's not what I meant." I could already feel the urge of getting a glass of scotch right now, I was starting to get a headache. Closing my eyes I focused on their voices keeping me from getting a drink.

"Just tell them that you are not leaving please." Niall begs.

"Okay." I say quietly.

"Are you okay Louis?" Niall always asked this question, and whenever he does I still felt as if he hasn't given up on me yet.

"I'm trying my best lad, I really am." I speak softly while rubbing my forehead with the palm of my hand.

"I still suggest you going to the doctor."

"I disagree."

"I know, but please just give it a thought?" I nod and don't even bother answering him. He was right, the doctor would prescribe me a good dose of anti-depressants, but I was too stubborn to accept them. "You know, there is this therapy group you could go to if you don't want medication?" Niall then suggested. I could hear the sound of a door shutting indicating that we were chatting in private which relieved me.

"I'm not crazy."

"Just because you go to therapy doesn't always mean that you are crazy." Niall chuckles into the phone making me sigh. "You always find an excuse for everything don't you Louis?"

"It's not something I'm proud of to be truthful Niall." I play with the fabric of my bed. "I already have a therapist."

"You do?"

"Well, it's kind of like a therapist I guess. I bought a journal just about a week ago and I've been writing to someone." Niall hummed against the speaker before asking,

Love Letters to Sally || Louis TomlinsonМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя