Chapter 7

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            "I don't get it," Josh claims as he looks down the hall again. "Another animal attacked me too, but once I made it into this room, they stopped,"
           "Wait a minute there busto!!! Does that mean they won't attack us in this room?" Logan yells out in surprise.
Logan glances around the room with shock as he starts to place his hand on the wall. Josh's right eyebrow raises as he observes Logan carefully tracing his fingers across the wall. Curiosity flows over Josh, as he wonders why Logan is so carefully petting the wall.
"What are you doing?" Josh asks Logan as he scratches his chin.
      His eyes intensely look at Logan as he continues to trace his hand on the grey wall. Logan's hands are planted to the wall, feeling the dry wall.
"Checking if there's anything special about this place that makes it seem like a sanctuary," Logan answers as he continues to inspect the wall.
"This room is just like any other room," Josh claims as he looks through the drawers.
He scavenges every corner of the drawer, but all he can find are cloths, and a few pair of shoes. They are very small, which makes him suspect that it was for a child. Maybe a child at the age of 5. The clothing has an odd pattern with black and blue stripes, which makes Josh feel curious on why all of this child's cloths are like this.
           He looks over at Logan, who has given up on the wall and is currently checking under the bed.
        "I just don't get it. There's nothing special about this particular room," Logan tells himself as he carefully inspects every corner of the old bedroom.
         "Maybe if we look around the place some more, we'll find more hints," Josh informs Logan.
         "That means we'll have to leave into the hands of Big Bird on cocaine," Logan claims.
         "Better than having a bear stalking you under the bed!!!" Josh yells out.
         Logan's eyebrow raises and he crosses his arms. He gives Josh an annoyed look as he lifts the blanket of the bed up. Nothing was there.
          "What bear, exactly?" Logan says one word at a time. "All I see is..... well..... nothing,"
          "The bear must of left," Josh claims.
          "Okay Goldilocks, a bear was chasing you. Were you sleeping in this large bed when he came by?" Logan sarcastically asks as he rolls his eyes and points both of his arms towards the bed.
          "Really Logan, I don't even know why you're mad about that!" Josh says as he walks up towards Logan face to face.
          "I'm not. I just have fun annoying you," Logan sarcastically claims.
           Just then, a large, loud creak emerges. Josh and Logan slowly turn around, each glancing at the small closet. The door is slightly open, leaving the sleeve of a small blue coat to appear out of it. Logan slowly walks up to the closet, anxious and terrified to see what is on the other side. He grabs the edge of the closet door with his hand, ready to jolt back.
           He slowly opens the closet door, leaving the closet door to make a horrifying screech that sends shivers up Josh's spine.
He looks inside, ready to see something of pure evil staring back at them, but what he saw surprised him.
It was just a foxy plushie, sitting there watching Logan. It gives an innocent look, making Logan feel uneasy deep down inside.
"It's just a fox," Logan claims as he rolls his eyes. "There's nothing scary about that,"
"Why do you wish to run away, when you can just stay here and play?" A sudden voice appears in the room.
"What was that?" Josh asks Logan.
"Wait, voice in rhythm. Sings like an angle. Girl," Logan sternly claims as he thinks to himself. "Oh no!"
Josh's eyes dart around the room in fear. His entire body stiffens as he hears Ballora's song singing throughout the room. He slowly looks up to see a terrifying image that will haunt him for the rest of his life.
Ballora is hanging up on the ceiling, but her skin is worn down and torn apart. Her eyes are popping out. Part of her faceplates is torn apart, leaving the inside loads of wires on the inside of her head to be seen.
Ballora's body is all mangled, with her back twisted from her head and with one of her feet gone. Her metal cloths are rusted now, leaving them to be grim and black, and torn apart.
Her legs have black shoes instead of blue. Cobwebs dangle from her head, with large and poisoness spiders making webs.
Dozens of mini ballerinas suddenly appear right in front of Logan and Josh, ready to attack.
Josh and Logan both have terrified looks as Ballora looks at them with her old rusty black eyes.
"You left me!!!" Ballora screams all of a sudden, causing Josh to jump backwards. "And now look what has happened to me!"
"Well it's not our fault your own stupid kids tried to murder us," Logan claims as he points towards the mini ballerinas.
"Your end is near my sweet child, so don't try to charm me and be mild," Ballora chants. "Your death will come, those are my words, now prepare for your death, and pray for the Lord,"
Ballora quickly jumps into action and falls to the ground, her entire body is mangled, leaving a disturbing image in Josh's mind. Her bday starts to untwist itself as the mini ballerinas start to attack Logan and Josh.
Some of the mini ballerinas tackle Logan as the other ones went for Josh. Josh grabs a lamp on a nearby drawer and swings it at them, smacking a few of them across the room.
"Stay back!!!" Josh yells out as he swings the lamp at the mini ballerinas again.
Logan manages to get all of the mini ballerinas off of him before he suddenly gets grabbed by the ankle. Logan's eyes squeeze shut and he struggles to get free, but the grip was too strong. Logan gets dragged across the room and slammed into the wall.
His eyes slowly open to see Ballora pinning him up against the wall by his arms. Her eyes are full of hatred and disgust as Logan tries to kick Ballora.
"It's such a shame you can't stay, but now your body has to decay," Ballora whispers to Logan as long razor shark like teeth slowly start to grow from her mouth.
Logan's eyes widen and his mouth slowly starts to drop when he sees the teeth trail upon his neck. Logan's breathing starts to flail as he feels drops of oil or spit crawl down his neck.
His body stiffens through fear as he looks at Ballora's happy grin as her teeth start to slowly sink inside of Logan's neck.
Logan feels the razor sharp teeth carving his neck. A sudden feeling of death strikes him, and a feeling of fear and depression is set. His eyes dart left and right, but no matter where he looked he saw Ballora looking back at him. Even when he closes his eyes, all he could really see was the monster biting into his neck and killing him.
His eyes start to close. The life in his body start to fade as Ballora sinks her teeth deeper inside of Logan's neck.
"Logan!!!" Josh screams out loud.
His eyes dart towards Logan when he realizes that he's in trouble. His body nearly stiffens once again, but Josh knew what he has to do to save his friend. Josh runs towards Logan without thinking. He charges towards Ballora with all of his might. He swings the lamp with all of his force, and smacks Ballora in the head.
Ballora's head only moves slightly, but she removes her teeth from Logan's fragile neck. She glares at Josh and drops Logan on the ground. Logan collapses on the ground, knocked out from Ballora's attack. Josh's eyes widen when he sees Logan passed out.
"Stay away from us, or I'll hit you with this lamp again," Josh says in a cowardly way as he covers his face with the lamp.
Ballora smirks when she sees this. Her head sway to the right to see Josh's face, almost as if she's mocking Josh. Josh breaths rapidly when he sees her eyes darting at his eyes, and Josh takes another swing at her. This time, Ballora grabs the lamp with her hand and breaks the lamp with it.
Josh's eyes widen and jaw drops. His body slowly moves backwards, but he tells himself to keep strong.
Ballora starts to walk towards Josh, with a confident grin on her face. Josh pants heavily as he walks backwards into a corner of the room. His back is firmly planted against the wall as Ballora slowly heads towards him. With each step she takes, Josh could tell that Ballora is enjoying watching him suffer and paralyzed in fear.
Josh takes a look at Ballora'a terrifying face. Her eyes glowing with excitement. Her faceplates slowly opening and closing yet again. The wires inside of her dangling with pride.
Suddenly, an idea forms inside of Josh's mind. He takes a look around him for any small piece of cloth. His eyes hastily dart across the room until he finally finds a shirt on the bed.
He grabs the shirt and covers his hand with it. He looks over at Ballora, who has a confused look. Ballora is only a few feet away from Josh, but he was ready for his plan.
Ballora proceeds to come towards him with her long fangs ready to pierce his throat. Her eyes glare at his small skinny neck. She is ready to tear Josh apart piece by piece.
Josh gulps when he looks over at the cloth that cover his hand. He reaches out towards Ballora's face and quickly rips out the wires in her face.
Ballora screams in pain as she presses her faceplates. Josh breaths rapidly and panic as he darts towards Logan. He picks Logan up, and gives one last look at Ballora shrieking in pain before leaving the room.
While he walks down the halls, he could still hear Ballora's terrifying shrieks ringing in his ears.

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