Chapter 3

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"What happened to you?" Josh asks as he walks closer to the child.
"These animatronics....." the child quietly weeps out as he bundles up into the corner. "Please don't hurt me,"
"I'm not here to hurt you," Josh surprisingly says as he walks up to the boy. "I'm sure there's an exit somewhere,"
"Are you sure?" The weeping boy asks as he looks up at Josh with hope-filled eyes. "We aren't suppose to leave bed after midnight,"
The boy says it in a darker and more serious tone, which makes Josh stare at the boy for a few seconds.
"Why?" Josh asks in a startled way. "What's so bad about this place that we have to be trapped here?"
"We aren't aloud to leave," the weeping child says in a more melodious and serious tone. "The monsters are coming for us,"
"Do you mean the bunny and the bear?" Josh asks.
"Nightmares lurk here," the child weeps out. His skin starts to fall apart even more and starts to decay. More blood pours out of him, but before it reaches the ground, it dries up. "They won't stop until they catch you. Please help,"
"What's happening to you?" Josh asks in a terrified tone as his eyes widen and his mouth drops. His hands are shaking in the air as he starts to back off.
"Don't go," the child desperately weeps even louder as his fingers grow longer and in the shape of daggers. "I need your help, please don't leave!"
The child's skin turns into a dark greenish brownish tone. He slowly stands up and walks towards Josh.
"Why are you running away?" the crying child yells out. "Why are you trying to leave?"
Josh stays silent and runs off, looking behind him to see the child running after him. Josh's eyes widen to see this and he continues to run all through the house.
"Come back!" the child call out. "Where are you going?"
Josh finds a door and quickly goes in. He jams the door shut and locks it just before the child made it to him.
He hears the child pounding on the door, and the child presses his forehead against them door as more tears flood down his cheeks.
A guilt runs over Josh and he closes his eyes and bends his head down. His hands turn into fists and he kneels down on his legs, almost crying himself.
"Let me in," the child weeps out in a desperate attempt. "The monsters are coming, please!"
Josh lips trembles as he hears the child pleading for life. He looks to his left and the child seems to be weeping even more.
      Loud pounds echo down the stairs. They grow louder and louder, making Josh tense.
He hears the grunting of the animatronics, and the child's constant screaming and pounding on the door.
      "Ahh!!!" The child loudly screams as Josh hears a loud chomp.
Josh presses his left ear upon the cold wooden door. He waits for a minute, listening for any sounds of the child, but all he hears is the sound of a corpse fall to the ground.
Josh partially opens the door and looks down to see the messed up child with a large bite mark deep inside his head.
      The child is frozen, lying down on the floor with tear drops still falling down his face. His skin is starting to turn to dust as the child starts to vanish.
       "Oh my god!" Josh quietly says to himself. "I got to get out of here!"
      Josh closes the door, hoping that there was another door to help him escape. There is another hallway, that the flashlight couldn't even fully see down.
      "How big is this place?" Josh asks himself as he continues down the hall.
      He can't hear any moaning or pounding, so Josh knows he is safe.... for now. He check around the hallways for any sign of other people, but he can't find anyone.
      Josh continues to walk down the dark hall. His flashlight starts to flicker, leaving him nearly in the dark.
     "I need more batteries," Josh tells himself as halts and looks at his flashlight. "I hope there are batteries in this place,"
     Josh continues down the hall, which feels like forever to him, until he sees a large room that connects with the corridor.
     Josh hurries into the large room to realize that it's the first room in the entire house.
     The ceiling is about 30ft high. It is slightly crumbling with multiple plush's on a crystal chandelier up there, staring at Josh. A large, red ring circles around the plush's from Josh's point of view, which starts to confuse, scare, and make Josh curious at the same time.
      The walls are tormented with red stains. Dead bodies are against the wall, decaying as flies are eating them. The red stains says "Save me from the monsters, they won't stop coming,". Multiple messages were spread all over the walls of that one room, all saying the same message.
       Pictures of the animatronics are on the floor. Drawings of them with long sharp teeth and red glowing eyes. That gave Josh he creeps.
      The stairs are made of wood, and most of the steps are broken. The railing of the stairs are full of splinters and are nearly falling off of the stairs.
      Another hallway is in front of Josh and rooms are located next to the bottom of the stairs and the top of the stairs. There are 2 large door to Josh's right as he realizes that could be the exit.
      Tall torches reach high and Josh can see the entire room without a flashlight.
       Josh's raises his shoulders and stares intensely at everything around him. He could almost hear the crying child's plead once again, which makes Josh feel guilty.
        "Why did you let me die?" A voice asks as Josh quickly spins around to see the crying child once again.
      The crying child is almost nothing but dust, but Josh could still tell it was him. His tears are still pouring from his cheeks and chunks of wet blood and decay by skin pouring off of him, and turning to dust before it hits the ground.
       "You're alive," Josh says in a confused tone. He falls over when he sees the child standing on the stairs. Josh's mouth is wide open and his eyes are wide and full of fear.      
       The child gives Josh a betrayed look as he slowly moves towards him. His face is red with anger and tears won't stop coming out of his eyes.
       "Why did you leave me?" the child asks as bones start to fall out of him. His body is limp now, but is coming towards Josh in rage.
        "Why does everyone always leave!?" The child scream out in confusion and anger as dust starts to fall apart from him.
        Josh looks over to the doors and starts to run towards them. The child notices this and screeches in anger as he starts to move towards Josh. Dust trails behind him as the child reaches out towards Josh and tries to grab him.
       Josh makes it to the doors and tries to open them, only to realize that the doors are locked.
      He turns around to see the crying child charging at him with full might. Josh closes his eyes in fear, ready for death, until he feels a cluster of dust upon his face. Josh wipes the dust off of his eyes and looks down, to see nothing on the floor, but dust and water.
       Josh, terrified, takes no time to evaluate what is going on and runs over down the next hall, not caring what's down the hall.
       It takes awhile, but Josh finally finds one door right in front of him. The door has silver markings on it, leaving Josh to wonder what could be in the room.
      Josh grabs the cold knob, and slowly opens the door.
      Josh's eyes widen as he looks at what was in the room.
     "What are you doing here?" Josh asks himself as he gazes down.

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